National Crisis seeks a Coder


Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
Hello all,

National Crisis seeks a hard working, dedicated coder. Please visit the website for an idea of what our modification is about. If you wish to see internal documents for an idea of how far progressed we are please email me at [email protected].

We are now mid-way through our concepting stage and so we require a coder to refine ideas, tell us what's possible, offer alternatives etc. This means if you are currently busy we'll just be needing you for reference to begin with and shortly after development will begin.

Thanks everyone

Originally posted by sonofagun
I umm dunno! But if you can code then I want to know you!!!!

you have to offer him dinner and a movie first :)
rofl, my serious request for some team members is degraded into a date finding session :P! Why are coders so hard to come across!
Originally posted by sonofagun
rofl, my serious request for some team members is degraded into a date finding session :P! Why are coders so hard to come across!

Their out there, but I get the impression their like large diamonds, everyone wants one and once you have one you don't want to let anybody else have it

Keep trying and one is bound to reply. You could always offer a bit of cash, or some non monitary reward for their work, draw a talented one away from somewhere else
Originally posted by sonofagun
I umm dunno! But if you can code then I want to know you!!!!

Sorry there, but the few I can code is already used at mechstorm ( for our projects there.

BTW, I know a sonofagun playing MW4, and I thought he was only himself using this name, hence I asked if you were him.
hmm... I SERIOUSLY doubt anyone (but vALVE) will be able to tell you at this state what EXACTLY will be the possibilties of the HL2 SDK...

Well... I know C/C++ (i hate OOP, but i'll have to bear with it) i am underway with Assembler... But... hell i have no idea how I can twist the HL2-code-stings the way I want... I've tried to code in UT / UT2k3 before... and it resulted in a complete mess-a-code... And IF code-n-compile works with HL2 (not like UT where you have to UCC that code) then the possibilities are virtually unlimited, you'll just have to find the someone who CAN do it, and of course a PC that can handle the workload...
I am in discussions with a coer right now but the position is still open.....