National Crisis Seeks New Coder


Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
National Crisis is looking for a coder to join our team. National Crisis is a teamplay modern day war simulation between the great nations and contains some unique and challenging concepts. Applicants must be:

Proficient in C++ to an acceptable standard
Have a knowledge of coding with a game engine (preferably Half Life)
Able to speak English
Dedicated and hard working
Post on the forums and/or idle in IRC

All aplicants please contact [email protected]

Thank you,
Anyone know a good site to hire coders from? I've tried flipcode and They are extremely tough to hire! I got one but he seems to have gone MIA!
Are you going to pay them? Then it wont be that hard I think...
The place is a volunteer position but I could pay soeone if they were desperate but definetly not professional rates :S
sonofagun said:
The place is a volunteer position but I could pay soeone if they were desperate but definetly not professional rates :S
Even just a gesture of some sort of cash is better than nothing, and in most cases pro's will consider it then if its also lots of fun for them. Even if its not much cash, to a pro your atleast trying and they can respect that your risking your own money on something and not just their time.

Nice one :)
Well they're hardly running in :D I'm still trying to contact our old coder as he was quite well experienced!
I meet all those criteria, but I wonder...
"and contains some unique and challenging concepts." - could you describe them in full?