Nationalistic or Political games

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Are there any other games out there (aside from Risk, hoping for videogames and 3rd person or 1st person FPS, but any game is okay)

Stuff involving the themes listed in the title, IE: Freedom Fighters, Freespace, etc. Looking for fiction too, not just a huge listing of WWII games or something :p.

Anyone have any?
I..dont quite understand this, explain more.
Risk, you haven't played Risk until you have played it with an Asian drug addict, and his dealer.
I have a game killing japanese soldiers and claiming Dok-Do as Korea's territory.
RakuraiTenjin said:
*Looks at Foxtrot, then 15357*

i'm not a drug addict. I don't live in imperialist America, thank you. :E