Natural Selection 2 coming to Steam


Companion Cube
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
[br]In a recent blog post on the NS2 site, Charlie Cleveland has confirmed that Natural Selection 2 is indeed coming to Steam.[br]
We have confirmed with Valve that pre-orders will transfer properly to Steam! As you know, we have been funded largely by preorders although many of you have been patiently waiting to hear if pre-orders would let you download and play the game on Steam later. The answer is YES![br]Pre-ordering now gives immediate access to NS2 mapping tools and artwork as well as early access to the alpha or beta when ready. We are now testing our engine with a small number of players and will expand that to everyone that has pre-ordered the Special Edition shortly.
[br]You can see the full news post, along with new Natural Selection 2 media, here.
Hell yeah! They are letting people, in the order of who preordered, test the alpha build of the engine. I KNOW I'm up there somewhere.
Any ETA on when we'll be able to activate it on Steam?
I don't believe they have a date set on the alpha testing yet, so the date is probably unknown even to them.

This announcement makes winning the game in that contest a while back all the more awesome though. I'm glad I'll have access to it over steam.
Annnnnd nobody is surprised.
Just bought it.... now gimme gimme gimme
I'll buy it over Steam when it comes - certainly going to be great fun.
****ing finally they announce this. Good.

Pre-ordered Special Edition at long last.
Pre-ordered the SE ages ago. can't wait to start the testing.
Pre-ordered the special edition that day it was announced - can't wait! I spent more time playing NS than any other game, for years, and still play now and then. One of the most exciting and tense FPS ever.
Far out was the an epic mod or what!!! Natural Selection!

I have no idea why i stopped playing it! Very awesome news that there's a sequel.