Natural Selection 2

How should NS be distributed? Payed for?

  • Distribute via Steam

    Votes: 27 61.4%
  • Distribute like NS1

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • Free

    Votes: 23 52.3%
  • Pay for

    Votes: 15 34.1%

  • Total voters


Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
Well, it looks that Natural Selection 2 its going to began development soon. (check out )

I guess the NS team has made a deal with Valve and they are going to distribute it via Steam.

I was wondering what the HL2 community thought of this?
Personally I wouldn't mind paying for NS2, considering how great NS was for free, and the crap the team has had with their site for the past year. In addition, I've never had major trouble with Steam, so distribution that way I don't find to be a problem.

But what does everyone else think?
I never played the first one, but the second one should be free.........
First one that good?
I don't understand why people think NS2 should be free at all. It's going to be a standalone game, made from a professional company, it's not just a little mod that some gamers with free time have on their hands. They were/are looking for serious large investments from some big people. Natural-Selection was free because it was just a mod. Valve didn't pick it up to make shit-tons of money off it, so they kept it free. When they make Natural-Selection: Source, that will more than likely be free. I'm sure NS2 will take presidence over the two though.
I voted for all. I would pay for it, I wouldn't say no if it was free. I don't mind downloading it and I like Steam distribution.
Is it me or was there a very similar thread not so long ago

Definetely distribute via Steam!!!

I would only pay if the quality of the game was improved rather than if it was a for-free title... If I'm going to be paying for it, I don't want to have the game post-patched to become a totally different game like NS did... I don't mind patching, but not if it makes the game 100% different such as from NS 1.0x to the current 3.0x it is so radically different.

I don't care if they add gametypes (even though I think Combat works, but it segregates the community too much for me to support it) at post-launch as long as they maintain the integrity of everything and not make sure one gets more polish than the others.
I'm never giving money to a project lead by Flayra for as long as I game. For those of you who don't know what he did, let me give you a quick synopsis. Flayra starts accepting donations from loyal Natural Selection fans. After a while the money starts piling up and Flayra is able to quit his job and live, very comfortably I might add, off of these donations. At the time fans thought that they were donating to some poor college student who could barely afford to pay the web server bill. They were deceived.

Flayra's quick fix the Natural Selection learning curve problem was Combat mode. This essential ruined the game. No one wanted to play standard Natural Selection, and Flayra was unwilling to remove it from the game. Apart from that he wasn't even willing to put the standard mode back into the spotlight, and he definitely wasn't going to add a tutorial or anything of that sort to his game. Natural Selection goes downhill from here.

With no warning, the Natural Selection website and forums go down. After a long, long, while the web site finally comes back up. But... where are the forums? If you check the site you will see that the forums are still not up. This happened over a year ago. I guess the forums wasted too much of Flayra's precious bandwith. Soon after the site went back up, Flayra released a pay-to-play soduku game with the sole intent of earning money from it. Looks like his donation well went dry. It seems to be that Flayra is a prick who doesn't care at all for his community. He had a huge fan base giving money away to him, and what does he do for them? Well he sure as hell doesn't restore his forums, or even acknowledge their existence for that matter.
I'm never giving money to a project lead by Flayra for as long as I game. For those of you who don't know what he did, let me give you a quick synopsis. Flayra starts accepting donations from loyal Natural Selection fans. After a while the money starts piling up and Flayra is able to quit his job and live, very comfortably I might add, off of these donations. At the time fans thought that they were donating to some poor college student who could barely afford to pay the web server bill. They were deceived.

Flayra's quick fix the Natural Selection learning curve problem was Combat mode. This essential ruined the game. No one wanted to play standard Natural Selection, and Flayra was unwilling to remove it from the game. Apart from that he wasn't even willing to put the standard mode back into the spotlight, and he definitely wasn't going to add a tutorial or anything of that sort to his game. Natural Selection goes downhill from here.

With no warning, the Natural Selection website and forums go down. After a long, long, while the web site finally comes back up. But... where are the forums? If you check the site you will see that the forums are still not up. This happened over a year ago. I guess the forums wasted too much of Flayra's precious bandwith. Soon after the site went back up, Flayra released a pay-to-play soduku game with the sole intent of earning money from it. Looks like his donation well went dry. It seems to be that Flayra is a prick who doesn't care at all for his community. He had a huge fan base giving money away to him, and what does he do for them? Well he sure as hell doesn't restore his forums, or even acknowledge their existence for that matter.

The forums have been up for a little while now.
Yeah, the site went down because he totally planned it, not because someone ****ed it up, and they went to fix it.

If you read anything, you'd notice he states that due to the consie program, he was living off of it. And let me guess, NONE of this money was spent upholding the site, starting his own company off the ground, Unknown Worlds, or to help the team actually have an incentive to work on this and future games.

Some people just get an opinion on somebody because they changed a game to the way they didn't like.

Personally, I liked combat mode, good shift from when there weren't enough players on Classic. And not helping Classic get on its feet again? So constantly adding new maps to the official patches is just forgetting it existed? I coulda swore we consties were testing a good deal of new maps out for...what was it again..? Oh yeah, CLASSIC.
I'm never giving money to a project lead by Flayra for as long as I game. For those of you who don't know what he did, let me give you a quick synopsis. Flayra starts accepting donations from loyal Natural Selection fans. After a while the money starts piling up and Flayra is able to quit his job and live, very comfortably I might add, off of these donations. At the time fans thought that they were donating to some poor college student who could barely afford to pay the web server bill. They were deceived.

Flayra's quick fix the Natural Selection learning curve problem was Combat mode. This essential ruined the game. No one wanted to play standard Natural Selection, and Flayra was unwilling to remove it from the game. Apart from that he wasn't even willing to put the standard mode back into the spotlight, and he definitely wasn't going to add a tutorial or anything of that sort to his game. Natural Selection goes downhill from here.

With no warning, the Natural Selection website and forums go down. After a long, long, while the web site finally comes back up. But... where are the forums? If you check the site you will see that the forums are still not up. This happened over a year ago. I guess the forums wasted too much of Flayra's precious bandwith. Soon after the site went back up, Flayra released a pay-to-play soduku game with the sole intent of earning money from it. Looks like his donation well went dry. It seems to be that Flayra is a prick who doesn't care at all for his community. He had a huge fan base giving money away to him, and what does he do for them? Well he sure as hell doesn't restore his forums, or even acknowledge their existence for that matter.

So when did he rape your grandmother?
I don't give. I'd pay money for NS2. But i'd prefer it free.
there is no reason for NS2 to be free, Charlie and Co. deserve to be treated like any other game devs who put countless hours into laboring over the product they release.