Naturally occuring wall-hack

Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
I have an nVidia 5700 Ultra with 768 megs of ram and i'll just give you anymore info that you want. Anyway, whenever I'm playin HL2, CS:S, HL2:DM or StriderMod anytime a notification pops up of a buddy signing on, signing off, etc. i get some natural wallhack


who can I contact at Valve to give them any info to fix this? i'm not bothered by it, just don't know if i'm the first to have this happen or what.


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Whoa, that's crazy D:

I dunno, you're not at risk of getting f*xx0red by VAC, but you're likely to get bitched at for "hacking". If it DOES bother you, email valve. If not, just turn off IM when you're gaming!
Can happen in CS 1.6 too. Old bug. Occures on some graphic cards. When someone logs in on MSN and that little notification pops up, woh, wallhack.
That happened to me before in 1.6....except mine was like a big circle, and outside was a shizeload of messed textures......kinda funny though.....
Gtfo you hackers, there's no excuse.
That's been happening for a long time on steam games, few people get it, but it's a pretty nifty bug i suppose. But shhh, mums the word.
I remember back in the day you used to be able to do that with Asus video cards. I'd join a game with the name Asus and people thought I was a hacker because of the name. lol
I didn't own an asus video card either. It was funny though.
I remember that happening to me on Call of Duty 1 MP. It was with msn.
My dad's comp would always do that whenever the map changed, and I still kicked his a$$ at the game even though he could see through the walls.