Navida Doom3 and Half-Life 2 power house?

7 times faster in HL2? uhm.. that figure sounds a bit whacky
Its navida, maybe they disable the special lighting or something lol.
You have to say it in their language...

7|-|47 ƒ19µ®3 $0µ|\|Ð$ 4 ß17 \/\/|-|4(|{¥

7 times faster in HL2? We'll just wait and see... Maybe this time around they won't make a card that runs like a turtle with a broken leg.
I hate to say it but I am exited for nvidia to be on top again, ati's driver a week schedule is annoying me
Well, you never know. Those figures just might be correct coz, man, all the Geforce FXs SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK !! :| They get owned in nearly all DX9 tests. :rolling:
damn, i was planning on upgrading before hl2, and i just expected to go ati. now i need to make a decision. i hate having to choose. ill probably go ati because ill probably be able to find a good one for a decent price after these next gen cards come out.
Technology. It evolves as fast as you can open your wallet.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I hate to say it but I am exited for nvidia to be on top again, ati's driver a week schedule is annoying me

Is that because its too often?

None the less, they said the nv30 and 35 were going to be the top of the crop and so on. The same spiel, same time frame. Its all marketing. All it does is get the nVidia Fanbois happy. I personally would be happy to see a better card from them, but due to their recent history its very doubtful. And MegaGames isnt a highly reliable source for news, imo they have new info all the time, its speculation and usually from unreliable or rumormill sources.
Ugh, an article with a grammar error at the 5th word. Not impressive. I shall read it though. Looks interesting. Good find.
DiSTuRbEd said:
English, do you speak it? Nvidia!

His grasp of the English language is weak I fear, but he spells nVidia the way I pronounce it: Navidia
lol, for years I pronounced it Ni-Vada...dear lord. Now I know better N -Vidia! Hmmm, sounds just like its spelled :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
i sure hope that it's better, that way when i upgrade from this fx5900, i'll still be able to justify the huge stickers in my case and on my monitor :farmer:
I hope for Nvidia's sake its better, but i aint upgrading from my 9600Pro anytime soon, it seems to be running everything fine, so ....yeah
I'm betting ATI's card will easily trump Nvidia's newest offering. The only thing that would kill ATI is if they don't release a PCI express version of their R420 core based card. the NV40 is confirmed to have both AGP8X and PCI Express versions. So Hopefully ATI follows suit.
Those numbers are a bit strange, as the speed of a game also depends on the CPU. It's just marketing language. I'll wait for the benchmarks.
Wow, man ! We'll get at least 300 fps ! nVidia is God !

And now I'll sell my arse for money.
March seems a little early. I would of thought like later this year..
Isn't it N vidia? :)
I think nVidia's lying, seriously, 7 times faster than any current graphics card? Comeon, give me a god damn break, jesus christ.

Personally I think nVidia's lying because they're pissed at Valve and ATI because Valve're optimizing the Source Engine for ATI cards ;P

You might call me a ATI fanboy now, let the flaming begin :x
Uh i VERY much doubt it'll be 7 times faster, since if it got 30 fps before, 7 times faster means 210 fps... no way...
Yes, and that'd mean prolly around 400-500 FPS for old games from say, 1999-2000.
It might be 2 times faster in a game made with PS3.0 in mind but 2 times faster in current games... forget it never mind 3 times faster or 7.
It's possible. 7 times more performance can be done in HL2 with better shader performance. The 5950 has the raw power to push HL2, but it's too slow with pixelshaders because of it's 32 bit shader precision (versus 24 bit of DX9 specs) and if they fixed this in the NV40 (by following the MS DX9 specs like ATi did) then the NV40 is probably faster than the r420. But we don't know yet what Ati planned for the r420 yet, but it's supposed to be twice as fast as the 9800 pro I heard.
PvtRyan said:
It's possible. 7 times more performance can be done in HL2 with better shader performance. The 5950 has the raw power to push HL2, but it's too slow with pixelshaders because of it's 32 bit shader precision (versus 24 bit of DX9 specs) and if they fixed this in the NV40 (by following the MS DX9 specs like ATi did) then the NV40 is probably faster than the r420. But we don't know yet what Ati planned for the r420 yet, but it's supposed to be twice as fast as the 9800 pro I heard.

No FX cards are not slower because they have higher percision, in some games the FX uses 16bit percision for some shaders and is still slower. There isn't any concrete evidence on what makes the FX slower but it definately isn't that.
mrchimp said:
No FX cards are not slower because they have higher percision, in some games the FX uses 16bit percision for some shaders and is still slower. There isn't any concrete evidence on what makes the FX slower but it definately isn't that.

From what I've understood, the DX9 specifications were supposed to have 32 bit precision pixelshaders, but for some reason they changed it to 24 bit, but Nvidia was stubborn and used 32 bit while ATi followed the specs.
ATi are making a PCI Express version of R420, its R423 :).

Original DX9 shaders called for 24 bit precision, New Shader 3.0 requires 32bit precision, so that "advantage" will be nullified. These new cards seem too far ahead of the last ones to be able to judge them (new .11 micron Architecture etc), It would be trying to base RADEON 9000 series on the original RADEON cards :).

7 times is pushing it the Nvidia 5900Ultra did get 31 FPS in Valves official benchmarks, so they are looking at 210 fps, like the other guy said, now if they can get 210 FPS in Source with everything on (DX9 Full precision anyway, not sure what that encompassed in terms of effects, presumably all), I cant wait for the next gen game engines. I'm glad I waited for PCI Express and BTX before thinking of an upgrade :)
hmm, /me looks at nVidia then at HL-2 delay. It really wouldn't suprise me if nVidia paid Valve to hold off HL-2 until they get their new chip out. In fact they've probably got a deal with all games running DX 9.
This is true, Both ATI AND NVIDIA will be more than 5 times faster.

This has been said months ago. Its does not suprise me. :p
Wilco said:
ATi are making a PCI Express version of R420, its R423 :).

Original DX9 shaders called for 24 bit precision, New Shader 3.0 requires 32bit precision, so that "advantage" will be nullified. These new cards seem too far ahead of the last ones to be able to judge them (new .11 micron Architecture etc), It would be trying to base RADEON 9000 series on the original RADEON cards :).

7 times is pushing it the Nvidia 5900Ultra did get 31 FPS in Valves official benchmarks, so they are looking at 210 fps, like the other guy said, now if they can get 210 FPS in Source with everything on (DX9 Full precision anyway, not sure what that encompassed in terms of effects, presumably all), I cant wait for the next gen game engines. I'm glad I waited for PCI Express and BTX before thinking of an upgrade :)

What they might mean is the new card could get 210fps in theory if the computer had a fast enough CPU. Maybe the new card could 210fps at 1024x768 with no AA/AF, on a cutting edge 64-bit system. There's no way those figures could be acheived with AI and physics enabled on any current system regardless of the graphics card.
err.. marketing bs :p their drivers increase speeds by 25% yeah right :D
I've no trouble believing this. Nvidia's implementation of dirx9 and shaders currently sucks. Their hardware isn't optimal for it. This is a next gen card, not an upgrade of an existing card.

Yeah, their numbers are best case scenario numbers but that's normal.
Can't wait to see what ATI has to offer in response. (3 months difference in their schedules isn't it?) Especially since I'll have $$ to spend on new hardware soon. :D (Windows 64 here I come.)
Actually ATI is 2 or 1½ months ahead of nvidia currently, they got their first production samples of the r420 last month.

And no matter what cpu you have it won't increase your fps as much as a 3dcard would. I would say it is impossible to get 210 fps in source with the new cards. And yes you may quote this once the cards are out.
Maybe they are 7x better: at first the cards had a 4 fps, the newest will have 28 fps!
They said in the article iirc that it will be 7 times faster then the current cards.
they mean 7x the performance of an fx5200 in HL2

10fps x 7

=70fps in hl2 with minimum quality levels, hacked/bugged/cheated drivers and a guy with a shotgun standing behind you screming"THE WAY ITS MEANT TO BE PLAYED BITCH!!1"......

You mean than.

I hope nvidia do succeed with this card. If not they may eventually decide to leave the consumer video card market and ATI would have a monopoly like nvidia did.