Nazi forums

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"N" word forums

I hope i don't get in trouble for this.
This forum seems very open unlike steampowered forums, man i got kick so many time from there for really nothing special, and know as soon as people see my name they start flaming and picking on me. That's why i trasfered over here. I hope you guys are more mature and open. anyway my usual name is ONE MAN CLAN. anybody know me?
Hehe, another one...

...unlucky thread title though... :|
yeah, i realised that after i posted it

but what do you mean another one? do you get a lot of people from
Yeah, every now and then threads like this appear... and get closed... and deleted ;)
Recoil said:
Yeah, every now and then threads like this appear... and get closed... and deleted ;)

do this forums has something simmular to the stars that are in steampowered forums?
Yeah quite a few of us came from the steampowered forums. That place is a hole, so many kids on it. Its a more tightly run ship here, with people with brains and maturity. If thats what you want then you'll like it here. Mods are nice enough, always people around. Enjoy.

edit: yeah the stars are related to post counts arnt they? We have creature ranks from HL2, you are a barnacle now awww. One day you'll be a strider.
Hectic Glenn said:
We have creature ranks from HL2, you are a barnacle now awww. One day you'll be a strider.

cool, what's the highest one before the mod.?
Before you had to get 10,000 posts to become a strider, now it's only 2500. But Munro said he would change it soon to something else.
The_Monkey said:
Before you had to get 10,000 posts to become a strider, now it's only 2500. But Munro said he would change it soon to something else.
dude, that's a lot of posts, even 2500 is a lot, is there a way to check how many i have?
There're only teo persons on this forum that got more that 10,000 posts, and that's The Dark Elf and ComradeBadger.
Is it actually the people or the mods at Steam Forums that make it so bad? I mean, if its the people and alot of them start coming here, doesnt bode well for the future... No offence to Alexdj.
cool, thanks marksman,
dark elf and comradebadger are suspeced forum addicits
Super dooper, a non flaming non noob headcrab. We need more of them
SimonomiS said:
Is it actually the people or the mods at Steam Forums that make it so bad? I mean, if its the people and alot of them start coming here, doesnt bode well for the future... No offence to Alexdj.

mostly the mods, there are too uptight and think that they are the universal protecors of the forum laws around the globe

there are a lot of good people, but there are a lot of little kids who just don't get some things, also a whole lot of flammers

but i think the mods are the worst and people try to suck up to them by being very close-minded, this thread would be closed the minute it was up just because of the word nazi in it

see they just look for the words but miss the over all point
i got very frustrated with them

once i started "rebel agains the mods" thread as a joke, and guess what happened? i got banned, i acually got BANNED for joking about it, and i did say that i was joking like 15 times, but Blinx still banned me
VirusType2 said:
What does this thread have to do with Nazi's?
cause i was talking about forum nazis, people who turn a good forum discussion into a 1930s Germany(if you know what i mean)
ALEXDJ said:
but i think the mods are the worst and people try to suck up to them by being very close-minded, this thread would be closed the minute it was up just because of the word nazi in it

And it will be closed here too, since your thread had nothing to do with your thread title
ALEXDJ said:
mostly the mods, there are too uptight and think that they are the universal protecors of the forum laws around the globe

there are a lot of good people, but there are a lot of little kids who just don't get some things, also a whole lot of flammers

but i think the mods are the worst and people try to suck up to them by being very close-minded, this thread would be closed the minute it was up just because of the word nazi in it

see they just look for the words but miss the over all point
i got very frustrated with them

once i started "rebel agains the mods" thread as a joke, and guess what happened? i got banned, i acually got BANNED for joking about it, and i did say that i was joking like 15 times, but Blinx still banned me

Lol, you're the lucky one, I got banned after 3 posts, basicly I just made a thread cause I had soem trouble with steam, not flaming or anything from me, cause I don't mind steam at all. People where pretty nice actually, and helped me, then later I try to post and I see I'm banned.
ALEXDJ said:
cause i was talking about forum nazis, people who turn a good forum discussion into a 1930s Germany(if you know what i mean)

OK, well, please dont use any "N" words on

Welcome to the forums :smoking:
VirusType2 said:
And it will be closed here too, since your thread had nothing to do with your thread title

it does, just read and think

but i am sorry for using that title, i'll never type another "n" word here (two that i can think of)

anyway to chage my screenname?
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