ne one use maya?


The Cerife

k i had originally planned a mod for ut2003
and was really eager to get into modeling using maya (since it came with it). but as i looked around for tutorials for both maya and ut2003 modeling , i noticed that NOBODY uses maya . which i found kinda stupid since epic had the intentions of you using it but failed to include documentation on how to use it . and now my mod has been moved to HL2 so i have time to learn before it comes out . does anybody plan on using maya at all for HL2? can you use it? is it even worth learning to use? and how the hell do u use it!? if anyone could answer my questions i'd be very happy . thanks .
i didn't find anything that help :s . is there any REALLY good tutorials out there? step by step . helps me all the way? how does anybody learn this stuff anyway without good tutorials? don't know if i'm even fit for this stuff . don't think i could ever get my mod to go .
you kind of have to figure things out for yourself...tutorials will only help you get on your way...they kind of act like a foundation of your modelling skills...but you have to fine tune everything...

considering you are just starting modelling I would hold off on starting a mod (especially for an engine like HL2) and rather build up your skills and possibly join a talented team...thats your best bet for success...

you can start a mod for a challenge...but the road will probably be tough...
I think valve releases a whole bunsh of convertion plugins for max, maya, lightwave, cynema4d etc.
They are releasing offical exporters for Softimage|XSI, 3D Studio Max, and Maya. hav IMO the best tutorials..since theyre are free, and they're video tutorials, that is very beginnner friendly
yes, moving pictures are much better then static ones :cheers:
Those video tut's rule!

I first went there looking for tuts related to unreal2. The unreal2003 tuts were incredible. I've recently been watching ALL the 3dsmax video's, and will soon do so for Maya (since those two are whats used at the school I'll be attending this fall).
create an account and press downloads, and accept the license agreement, and there you have it :)
all free ;)