Neck Cramps

Jul 11, 2003
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Gah, I must of fell asleep is a bad possision last night. My neck is killing me! I have to lean my head on my right sholder for it not to hurt. Hurts like a bitch if even I straighten my head. Pain relievers don't do any good either.
yeah, I hate when you sleep wrong and that happens.

luckily that hasnt' happened in quite awhile
That happens to me sometimes, I always force my head to the direction it hurts, that way I show that muscle who's boss
I tried that once but like my whole side started spasing from the pain
I like to whack it with something heavy, like a large dictionary, it usually works.
Dalamari said:
That happens to me sometimes, I always force my head to the direction it hurts, that way I show that muscle who's boss

Hehe, yeah that's exactly what I do :p
That really does hurt. It could be a "trapped nerve". I had that and it took weeks to clear up. I found the best way to relieve the pain was to gently exercise the neck, slow movements of the head and massaging my neck with my hands
My neck was killing me this morning until I strangled it to death...

Anyway, I always just force the pain and it usually goes away. If it is a trapped nerve, which I don't think it is, then there usually isn't a lot you can do apart from see a specialist. Though one of my friends had a trapped nerve in his back, and while he was at the cinema he jumped at something it it somehow caused the nerve to free up.
I hate it as well, can be painfully sometimes. :/

I remember when my brother had neck cramps himself one time. He got so tired on it so he took both his hands on the head and twisted the neck quite much so we heard a loud *crruunkk* sound. He didn’t feel any more pain after that. :P

Btw, do you guys usually "snap" your fingers?
I do it occasionally. :P
Loke said:
Btw, do you guys usually "snap" your fingers?
I do it occasionally. :P

I stopped doing it after my uncle said it f*cked up his fingers. Im a vagina.
In that case, I used to crack my knuckles until 2 years ago when I learned in science that it might cause arthritis or something. But this year, my english teacher said that cracking your knucles doesn't really do anything but make your knuckles bigger.
Some_God said:
I stopped doing it after my uncle said it f*cked up his fingers.

Actually I tried to stop doing it as well, but I just keep doing it anyways.

Snap your fingers or crack your knuckles?

Oh yeah, I mean knuckles. Sorry.
I crack everything all the time (Neck, fingers, elbows, if I sit down and spin my torso around I can crack my spine bit by bit. :)) and if I live long enough, Im either going to teach all the kids I see that it does nothing, or I'll be an example of how badly it can mess you up.
They say it actually helps get rid of the air pockets in your knuckles and fingers if you pop them.
I dunno some lady talked about it on a local news station here.I guess "they" would be medical researchers.

/me shrugs
I have to crack my fingers, my neck, my shoulder and my entire back/spine spine. I think I should go see a chiropractic...
I crack my fingers all the time - and since I broke my wrist a while back it just clicks all the time. Sometimes I'll just move it when picking up a glass and it'll click heh.
Ahh... you're one of those dudes.

I dont like those dudes. :flame: :E
CrazyHarij said:
I have to crack my fingers, my neck, my shoulder and my entire back/spine spine. I think I should go see a chiropractic...

Your spine spine? :P
Isnt it sometimes so relieving to crack them at times though. :D
You might have muscle spasms in your neck. I get those sometimes- only one side of your neck actually works and you can actually feel a lump on the other side :o
But even then the chicks still think I'm sexy. :naughty:
Whenever I wake up, I'll toss around and crack my backbone.... it makes me more flexible. I think.
Qwert93 said:
Whenever I wake up, I'll toss around and crack my backbone.... it makes me more flexible. I think.

no, it just screws up your spine
I crack my fingers and knuckles like crazy, I do it inbetween rounds of Splinter Cell.
Qwert93 said:
Whenever I wake up, I'll toss around and crack my backbone.... it makes me more flexible. I think.
I hope you didn't mean that literally.
I crack my neck, back, shoulders, fingers (in three places), toes, and ears (yeah I know its weird) all the time. I've had a few people tell me I'll crack my fingers in my sleep.