need a new clique


May 28, 2003
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I'm bored out of my mind this summer already. I ditched my last group of Mexican ESL friends because of a girl thing. All of my school friends are gone working this summer. I quit old job in March and don't really hang out with any of them anymore. My new job doesn't have a lot of socializing. I need to find a new group of accepting and friendly people to hang out with. Internet forums excluded.
I'm bored out of my mind this summer already. I ditched my last group of Mexican ESL friends because of a girl thing. All of my school friends are gone working this summer. I quit old job in March and don't really hang out with any of them anymore. My new job doesn't have a lot of socializing. I need to find a new group of accepting and friendly people to hang out with. Internet forums excluded.

infiltrate the ranks of a religous/faith based community ? ... could be fun as long as you dont get sucked in.
drink and do drugs. youll meet lots of new interesting people....
Well I'm guessing from the fact that you said this 'summer' I'll be of no assistance. Good luck lil buddy.
step 1: become friends with a hot hooker
step 2: ?
step 3: profit
what about imaginary friends? they act as you like and dont disagree whit you
Cliques are stupid.

Just make new friends and hang out with them whenever.
Take up pen and paper roleplaying? Its a very social hobby, although its definatly not for everyone.
I'm sorry, but I need to ask.

What the hell kind of a question is this?

It's the internet dude. Nobody knows the people around you, and 80% probably don't care :\

FFS, we had "help me get a girlfriend" threads, and now we're getting "help me get FRIENDS" threads???

Find people with same interests, talk, get high, win.

Yeh, great way to improve a social life that.
Actually, I play a bit of D&D with a couple friends, who happen to be in a band with me, and are some of the coolest (read: best and most interesting/hilarious) people I've ever met. We're also not overweight or socially retarded.

Then again, I didn't realize "improving your social life" means "meeting people that probably don't have anything in common with you".
Join the "Masturbaters 'R' Us" groupe!
No, don't. We're not very social. We mainly just keep to ourselves unless someone has porn to share, or someone asks to pass the tissues. And we usually just stay at home and never go anywhere. I don't think that's what you're looking for.

Ever just tried going to a hangout spot relevant to your interests and meeting other people? For example if you skate, go to a skate park. You like pool? Go to a poolhall (you'd probably do better to go to a more social one than a serious one if you're looking to make friends). If you're really big into games go to an arcade. If you want to join a roleplaying group like Hunterseeker and Stigmata suggested, drop by a comic book store or a Games Workshop place. Usually they have a corkboard with contact info of people who want to get together and play games. Also speaking of comic stores if you're one of those people who likes CCGs, I see a LOT of those people hanging out at the comic stores playing on the weekends.

Just go where your hobbies are and link up with those people.

Yeh, great way to improve a social life that.

Its an old stereotype that needs to die. I have never met any antisocial people in this hobby, if you do treat like more then a hobby thats when you get problems though. But that is generally the case with most hobbies.
Just walk up to people and say "I'm looking for some friends. Will you be my friend?"

This will not result in people running away kicking and screaming, I swear.

In all seriousness, that is a tough situation. It might depend how friendly people are in your area. In some places you can just walk up to people and start talking like you've known them all of your life, while in bigger cities people may do the above, already mentioned, kicking and screaming option.

Unfortunately, personally speaking, I'd lean more towards the kicking/screaming option. It's not my fault, it's just how I grew up! Stupid society :(

Good luck!
How about you pick your friends regardless of their "clique" and you might not be sitting at home alone asking people on the internet how to get friends
Solaris said:

Yeh, great way to improve a social life that.
You know, it's probably more social to play board games face to face with friends for a night every week than to spend the same time posting on internet forums.
I'm surprised you haven't made friends in your job running coke.
Go to Furry conventions with a fur-suit, preferably dress up as a wolf. ;)

You'll probably meet new and fascinating people!*

*re: fucking scary.