need a new TV


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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I dont know a ton about tv's so I was wondering what my best bet was. I want to spend no more than 600, it has to be HD, and preferrably 26"+...

Im not sure if I can get a 1080i for that price or not so I wanted to ask the best and brightest what I should be looking at.

My advice is to save up a lot more and buy a TV that's worth buying. If you buy a TV for $600, then you get what you pay for. I bought an HDTV for $700 dollars and it totally sucks. It's got so many problems with it, and it doesn't even look like HD. Take my advice and save up at least 2000 or even more. You'll be glad you did.
Big HD LCD screens are pretty cheap these days. As i've said in other threads, buy a Samsung LCD as they're the best of the best ... head and shoulders above the rest. Pretty cheap too.

Just do a Froogle (google product search) for 'Samsung 27' or 'Samsung 38' ... i've got a 40" beast. And i'm not talking about a TV here. ;)
Man I would never spend 600 busk on a tv. Thanks god for windows media center.