Need a team for my first mod


Aug 27, 2008
Reaction score
Sounds completely absurd for a rookie who has no experience to ask for a team
to make a mod right?

want to know why I want a team?

I believe business with game developing involves alot of steps to be taken towards
success and there are obstacles like in the need of modeling for expample. I can not cross that obstacle unless someone is smart enough to lend a hand

And as the process continues it leads to a successful game/mod. Team work is impossible for me to avoid to make a mod and I have an exciting mod to be released soon as long as modelers, programers, artists and animators join up as I will do the rest

Please post or PM to be added to the list so we can get started


No one


No one


No one


No one
I am worried if anyone steals my idea but okay:

There are 2 pirate teams to play as. Dutchman's Demons vs Hope Hungarians that each have their own ship and each pirate has the same weapons but there are many accessable ways to drop into an enemy ship and to make it sink or just kill the enemy pirates.

Weapons are:

Pirate sword, 1 shot handgun, 2 barrel small shotgun and my favourite the bomb

The bomb is the old school match lighted black ball bombs that not only are effefctive for kills but it damages the enemy ship slightly.

Also you can use cannons to damage enemy ships

There is more to come and I am still designing but bear with me this mod might be a worth your while pack of fun
Or it might not be because you have no team and a poorly developed idea.

Not being an ass, but you need to think realistically if you want to make a mod.
Like I damn said there is more to come

Doesnt anyone READ my posts
Or it might not be because you have no team and a poorly developed idea.

Not being an ass, but you need to think realistically if you want to make a mod.

.. Or write and illustrate a children's book about pirates.
Oh now there's an idea.

DawnSoft, if you want to be able to get a team of people interested in using their skills to develop a mod for you, you need to get a well constructed idea on the table. Not only that, but it has to sound good. 'More to come' isn't good enough. You need to have your mod idea all mapped out when you make the thread. You're already losing the interest of potential help.

And again, no need to get hostile.
Here's the thing, sir. We get an awful lot of people like you. People with hopes and aspirations and even sometimes creativity. And you know what we do? We watch them fail, one after the other.
It kills our souls.

This is the way to make a mod.
Start small. What you're working on is a multiplayer total conversion mod. Do you know how many of those there are released? I'm counting on my fingers and typing at the same time, sir.

Start small. Join another team. Get some experience. Learn how it works. Maybe work on a map pack-type mod, like Minerva. Or a small single player mod set in the Half Life 2 universe.

Then, maybe, you can think about moving on to a project as ambitious as this.

We're [edit - I'm] not trying to crush your dreams. We're [edit - I'm] being as realistic and pragmatic as we can.
Hey, I'm not trying to crush his dreams either! Though your post has more help than mine. What are you trying to do, show me up?

Though you forget to mention that we're also here to have a few laughs along the way. Not at your expense, DawnSoft; feel free to laugh along. Me and KA are basically the most hilarious guys on the forum.
Talking about hilarious, I find the irony of me posting that, having never even opened Source SDK in my life, overwhelmingly awful and incredibly funny.

Anyway, that's how I see it, DawnSoft.
I think we've just naturally developed a knowledge of mod development by merely telling noobs to stop being so ambitious about mod development.

Basically, we look at a noob's ideas, and then just say 'okay the opposite of this is what is correct'
If only everyone else would pay attention to how many mods fail and what they do wrong. People come here and post without even reading other threads, thinking they've got the holy ****ing grail.

I always think, 'If you're not willing to learn the correct way to do it, not willing to listen to others, and not willing to learn from failures, how the **** do you think your mod is going anywhere?'
But Yorick the mod might be worth your while pack of fun.
But Yorick the mod might be worth your while pack of fun.

Ha ha you said it :cheers:

Thanks for the advice you guys I WILL start small and I can't thank you llegends enough for your help.

I will start small, and as I work my way up we can try that pirate mod.

what shall I start with? a Kill the Gman! Multiplayer mode? or Kill the leader (Dr Breen is combine leader and Gordon Freeman is the rebel leader)
Wow. I think this is the first time I've actually seen the person accept the advice, and actually make a post saying as much. He even thanked us! We're actually both completely inexperienced with modding. Well, I'm a halfway decent mapper though. But as for making mods, all we know is some common sense and learning from Ennui's posts in threads like these.

What you start with is your responsibility. The important thing is getting your feet wet and learning the ins and outs.
I also got very excited that we actually learned someone something.
Try single player as a start, maybe.
Thanks again, I am a mapper too but I am learning the basics of programming to create the mod itself making menu's etc.
I wish I knew more about how to get started so I could give better advice. Maybe find a forum that can help you out. Hopefully you won't get jokers like us.
I wish I knew more about how to get started so I could give better advice. Maybe find a forum that can help you out. Hopefully you won't get jokers like us.

mmmmm where to go...
Interlopers are full of jokers

And Vegeta you ain't much of a bad joker;)

I am kind of liking posting here

especially when I release my mod :D
I'll be sure to give it a play and tell you what I think.

Send a PM my way when you get something out.
I also got very excited that we actually learned someone something.
Try single player as a start, maybe.

Lika making a collections of HL2 missions?

That will be my first step

Then to the Kill The Leader and Kill the Gman

Then to pirates

Then to Sucess!! opens its hands and the dove which here represents DawnSoft is borne, in a panicky fluttering of wings, into the wide world of Source modding.
We watch it leave, still uncertain in its flight, and smile to ourselves.

If there is an oncoming jet, turn to page 31!
To pull out a shotgun, turn to page 74!
Join another mod team. opens its hands and the dove which here represents DawnSoft is borne, in a panicky fluttering of wings, into the wide world of Source modding.
We watch it leave, still uncertain in its flight, and smile to ourselves.

If there is an oncoming jet, turn to page 31!
To pull out a shotgun, turn to page 74!

I rofl'd so damn hard
That's it. I'm going to write a sticky for this forum, it's clearly needed.

DawnSoft said:
I believe business with game developing involves alot of steps to be taken towards
success and there are obstacles like in the need of modeling for expample. I can not cross that obstacle unless someone is smart enough to lend a hand
Yes, you CAN cross that obstacle. Learn to model. Get a 3d program (XSI has a free version for Source modding), find some video tutorials, get started. Same with programming, mapping, or any other area of mod development.

DawnSoft said:
Team work is impossible for me to avoid to make a mod
False. It is very possible (albeit time-consuming) to make a mod entirely by yourself. It's been done many times.

If you're serious about starting a mod, get to work. Nobody is going to want to help you or work with you unless you show that you're capable, dedicated, and informed. Start learning the basics, write up a much more well-developed, fleshed out game design for your mod (a paragraph is not remotely enough), get started on some maps or concept art or models, THEN ask for a team.

If you ask me, I'd say that you have a 99.97% chance of complete, miserable failure if you try to start your own mod right now. What you would be infinitely better off doing is learning a modding skill (mapping, modeling, coding, something) and then joining a pre-existing team. You'll get experience in your area, respect for working on a project, and you'll get an idea of the internal dynamics of a mod team, which you need to understand particularly if you want to lead it at some point. Once you've done that, and shown that you're committed and capable, THEN you can think about starting your own mod.
Thanks for the advice Ennui!

And thanks for making this a sticky

I will read tutorials and make my KTL HL2 Multiplayer addon
Good. Just make sure you don't act like an ass just like you did on Interlopers.
DawnSoft said:
It's just that I am a bit worried of someone finding it and stealing my idea like on forum

Yeah, I'd love to see him justify that one.
Not really. It's more of a site for anything related to Valve/HL.
DawnSoft, judging from that Interlopers thread I think I can state pretty accurately that you're way too impatient for this kind of thing. Modding takes a lot of time, and things happen very slowly, over months and years, not days and weeks.
What? I made a whole total conversion mod in about 45 seconds once. It can happen!