Need a way to clear up a lot of space on my computer.

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
I have almost over 3/4 of my C:\ Drive full and all I have are 3 games, two demos and Jedi Academy (Full) and they're on my D:\ Drive. I tried to use Defragmentation but it does nothing. And yes I know, this belongs to the hardware forum, but c'mon, let's be honest, how many people really go there?
For any demos you download get rid of the original installer. Also manually clean up after games you uninstall, saved games ect.
If all else fails reformat.
Have you cleared ALL of your temporary internet files? Those can take up a Hell of a lot of space if you don't do it regularly and download lots 'o stuffs.
Letters said:
Have you cleared ALL of your temporary internet files? Those can take up a Hell of a lot of space if you don't do it regularly and download lots 'o stuffs.
Yes, and they don't do much:(
1) delete the porn.

2) put your mp3's on cd, and then delete from computer.

3) delete the games you've beaten.

4) delete the illegal movies.

5) delete the porn that you didn't get rid of in step 1.

6) isn't it something like... "format c: *.*"

sorry don't remember dos too well anymore :|
dulruogh said:
For any demos you download get rid of the original installer.
Holy Crap! That worked! And I clear up a shit load of space! Thanks!Now I got 7.01 GB of used spaced

I have a 120GB I want to format, and I have precisely 118GB of it used.. gonna be a pain to backup what I want and don't want

Luckily, I only have about 40 or so GB of files I want to keep, so I can just drop 'em across my network until I get up and running again
When I recently formatted my main 40GB HDD I used my old 6GB drive and 4 CD's to back up all the important stuff. I've now got it running on just over 50% full with about 10 full games and plenty demos, most of which I kept the original installers for :P
Sometimes in the My Documents folder there are savegame files, they can take up a lot of space. Or maybe gamespot DLX downloads?
Question: have you recently added more RAM? Because windows automatically adjusts the page file size according to your RAM (unless you set static values). You could move your page file to another disk with more space as well..
Another tip:

Go to My Computer, do Search. As filename set: *.*
Sort the results by size. Always works for me :)
Gets rid of the files you forgot about.
format /y?? what does /y do?

I always to /s because it keeps the system files you need if you want to boot to it without the CD

Anyway, back on topic, get a new HD, dirt cheap these days :)
If you know a thread belongs somewhere else, please post it there.
Jackal hit said:
1) delete the porn.

I once did that and I still can't forgive myself. In my opinion it's the most difficult thing one could do. It's just not worth it. To hell with games !
Tredoslop said:
And yes I know, this belongs to the hardware forum, but c'mon, let's be honest, how many people really go there?

This is the best forum. I don't know what you're talking about. :borg:

You've gotten some good advice for saving space... Definitely do not format. That should be reserved for a serious problem, or at least some sort of problem at all! :P
My Computer -> Right Click on the drive you want to clean -> Properties -> Next to the Pie graph of how much of your Drive is being used there should be a "Disk Clean-up". Click it. , on the top tabs click more options, then under sytem restore click clean up, then click ok. I do this daily to keep max free space.
staddydaddy said:
My Computer -> Right Click on the drive you want to clean -> Properties -> Next to the Pie graph of how much of your Drive is being used there should be a "Disk Clean-up". Click it. , on the top tabs click more options, then under sytem restore click clean up, then click ok. I do this daily to keep max free space.

Why don't you just disable system restore if you insist on deleting every restore point you make? lol