Need advice on XBOX 360


Apr 16, 2006
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Im thinking of purchasing an xbox 360, thats the core system NOT the premium as I have no intention of playing online. I can get the CORE system for £198.

Im still thinking "is it worth it?". I have a normal 28" TV so i dont think the games will look as good. Also I heard theres gonna be a price drop, anyone know when that is?

Im basically after some advice on whether or not i should go for one. I was gonna go for PS3 but the dealy and the fact they are gonna have demand problems means i wont get my hands on one till Xmas 2007!!

Having seen the Lineup in X06, i have become more inclined to go for it. Main reasons are actually for Fight Night 3 and Pro Evo 6. Gams like CoD3, Forza Sport 2 and Assasins Creed make me wanna buy the thing even more!!

Has anyone purchased one recnetly? Please i would luv to know what u think

Wait till the after Christmas sales. Then get a good package deal. That's when I always buy things.
I bought a core system last november, and yeah its worth it. Granted, the premium system wasnt available at the time (neither was the core, but thats another story ;)). I bought a wireless controller, HDD and wireless network attachment though.

What do you mean 'I dont want to play online so im getting a core' ? ... the core system has the same online capabilities of the premium system... just plug in an ethernet cable and you're away (or buy the wireless attachment).

Having a SD TV is no deterrant either - OK it looks nicer in HD, but even in SD the 360 will blow you away. As far as price drop goes, it's already happened. Don't expect to see another one this side of xmas (thats just bad marketing).

So far, the games I recommend are PGR3 (release title but still seriously great), Dead Rising (awesome fun), Test Drive Unlimited, Saints Row, and Gears of War.

Keep your eyes open for Alan Wake, Forza 2 and GTA4 though.
Stretch to the premium if you can - it's worth having a hard drive for saves and for the games that make use of it.

I think the 360 is superb value for money, especially if your pc hasn't been upgraded recently. If you include the titles appearing on both the 360 and the pc as well as the exclusives then the 360 easily has the best lineup out of each next gen console. With games like Bioshock, Dead Rising, Gears of War, Alan Wake, Resident Evil 5, Mass Effect ................ it goes on and on, you can't go wrong.

I used a 28" SD tele initially and it was fine.

*counts the days untill PES6 arrives* :)
Wait till the after Christmas sales. Then get a good package deal. That's when I always buy things.
It's a new console ... waiting till after xmas will save you £10 to £20 at most. That's having no awesome consoley goodness for like 2-3 months just for the sake of 20 quid.

If you'd sell your gaming soul for that much, you don't belong on a gaming forum! :D
The 360 is a year old. He hasn't got one yet. If he's waited a year he can wait another 4 months and get money off. It really will be much cheaper after Christmas.
Well, recently i've started to play my 360 a LOT more than i used to. I gto one last xmas and some really good games out now and some better ones on the way.

You've got games like Saints Row, Dead Rising, PGR3, TDU etc out now. And you have a nice line up of games like Gears of War, Bioshock, Assassins Creed, Resi Evil 5 and that list goes on like Warbie said. The console is really comming along nicely now.

I've played my 360 on a 28" tv too and it still looked great. If you have a spare monitor you could get a VGA cable and play it on that in HD.

I'd recommend one.
I'd say wait and get the premium. It's worth it for the extra stuff, and there's not really a huge range of games out right now (although there are a few goodies, they might not last you until the next lot). I got mine fairly prematurely, so now it's pretty much collecting dust until some more worthwhile titles come my way ;)

Oh, also the only problem you might encounter - when I was playing Dead Rising on my ~28"er some of the text was extremely hard to read as it was obviously designed to be viewed high-res. That is, I had to squint to read Otis' radio calls... but after a while I just ignored them anyway, so no biggie :E
Since most of the games i want are comin out in 2007 (except for Pro Evo 6) im gonna wait till afer xmas. maybe there will be slight price drop or better packages.
The 360 is a year old. He hasn't got one yet. If he's waited a year he can wait another 4 months and get money off. It really will be much cheaper after Christmas.
No, it won't. They've only just dropped 10 quid off the price, it'll be either be a while before they do it again, or they'll just knock a small amount off again. Not worth waiting for.

However, since he's not interested in the Live part of the 360, I might suggest thinking pretty hard about getting one, as that's a big part of the experience.
i got my xbox 360 premium for free (was one of those invite 10 friends to sign up for something and u get free xbox360)

i gotta say its ok, i mean the games are expensive and there isnt really anything out that intrests me except dead rising.

in all honesty i dont think its worth the price im selling mine for the nintendo wii once its launched
Axyon, by Live part, do you mean Live as in Live Gold, i.e. MP? Because then I have to disagree, I don't have XBLGold on my 360 but I still enjoy it greatly, it all depends on the person.. If one ain't all that into MP, the 360 is still a nice deal for games like Dead Rising, Mass Effect and more.:)
i got my xbox 360 premium for free (was one of those invite 10 friends to sign up for something and u get free xbox360)

i gotta say its ok, i mean the games are expensive and there isnt really anything out that intrests me except dead rising.

in all honesty i dont think its worth the price im selling mine for the nintendo wii once its launched

You're going to sell your 360 before all the games that make it look so promising come out? :rolling:
You're going to sell your 360 before all the games that make it look so promising come out? :rolling:

This christmas the 360 will be a year old, and what have we seen so far? well fight night, project gothem both seem the same as the older versions on the xbox except the graphics and a few other changes. Saints row, a grand theft auto ripoff and has anyone noticed that this game seems choppy? it even seems choppy watching it on the trailer, like its running at 30fps.

the only new type of game out is Dead Rising that i can think off which is pretty fun.
and also any big titles that do come out for the 360 are also brought out for the pc and other platforms

the 360 is a joke imo, but please dont rage this is just what i think so stay back fan boys!
Each to their own.

I think Saint's Row is far better than any of the GTA series (better driving and much, much better shootouts) and Dead Rising is contender for GOTY. There have been some other pretty decent titles too (GRAW, Table Tennis etc)

You're right that some of the big games coming out will be on the pc, but you'll need a monster rig to run them as well as on the 360. Not everyone has an uber multi core, SLI pc, but still want to play Alan Wake, Bioshock, Oblivion etc. I'm about to spend £1000 on a pc and still doubt these games will run as well as on the 360. Then there's Lost Planet and Mass Effect, two of my most wanted games, that are currently exclusive to MS.
xbox 360 i so cheap + you get to play killer titles like gears of war, bioshock, mass effect, alan wake, fear, hl2-pack, dead rising, resident evil 5, condemned, forza motorsport 2 etc. A winning combination if you ask me. There is only two reasons why I want to pay big bucks for a new rig and that is PC exclusives STALKER(!!!!) and Crysis. Mouse and keyboard for the 360 would be nice though...
I need mine replaced. Nowish.
Heh, on the latest IGN weekly they were visiting the Nintendo Centre in New York, where they had a Gameboy on display that'd been returned from the Gulf War, totally scorched and beaten up, but still fully functional.

The guy from IGN comments "I hear Microsoft is thinking of opening up a similar centre, and they're gonna have an Xbox 360 on display that was still working after 3 months." :D
Heh, on the latest IGN weekly they were visiting the Nintendo Centre in New York, where they had a Gameboy on display that'd been returned from the Gulf War, totally scorched and beaten up, but still fully functional.

The guy from IGN comments "I hear Microsoft is thinking of opening up a similar centre, and they're gonna have an Xbox 360 on display that was still working after 3 months." :D

Mine keeps scratching the discs.
I've had my 360 since December, I've had no trouble at all with it, none, barr a few freezes in PGR3.. But otherwise it has worked perfectly.:D
Mine keeps scratching the discs.
That's what my first one did. Since discovered it's a pretty common problem. Apparently it can have something to do with switching it from horizontal to vertical position while playing, but mine was flat the whole time... *shrugs*