Need an opinion


Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
Hi there,

I'm making a map with a forest, and i need the npc to be walking trought that forest for about 30 minutes. I also need them to stop at certain point, do some actions with scripted sequences and then proceed with teir way. I used displacements to make the floor because i need some terrain elevation and to use the paint alpha, but if i make the slightless elevation where i'm going to put the path they stop for no reason.

My question is waht the solution to make the npc don't stop by their one, and what the solution to make the map with 30 min.

Thanks for any help
How long are the scripted sequences going to last?

Will it include text-based conversation? Because that can be considered to last significantly longer than recorded speech.

What sort of game is it? Can you throw in a cheesy puzzle or tedious "go find" quests/missions to eat up some time?

How many key locations are there in this forest section. Can you inter-relate them so that the character goes from one to the other, and then back again (again, this is along the idea of missions/quests but without the "go find" motif. Maybe it could be talk to Mr. X and tell Mr. Y what Mr. X said. Then go back and kill Mr. X for talking about Mr. Kippins like that.).