Need coder for Video Tutorial creation.



Here's the thing, I have a site where me and some other people are making tutorials and video tutorials for different stuff, some of the things we are covering are Photoshop, 3D Studio Max, and right now we're making a series of Video Tutorial on Half-Life modding. So far the leveldesign basics of Half-Life are finished, (only some errors with 2 of the tutorials but it'll be fixed a.s.a.p.), and we would also like to cover atleast the basics of coding. However that's a problem since no-one of us knows that much about coding. I have the basic knowledge, but it's not like I can do anything that big. So, if anyone would like to help creating thoose video tutorials (or giving me some instructions so that I can learn and do them), we would be truly greatful!!!

You can contact me at [email protected], or add my MSN Messenger with the same mail.

Also, it wouldn't be too bad with more modellers or leveldesigners or ANYTHING or ANYONE who wants to help.
i will help... i know how to use hammer and stuff and can model a little but not very good..

cool, just remember to contact me on MSN Messenger rather :)