Need critiques!


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
I made this model for my character creation class and I would like some comments on how it came out. Ill post the reference I used so you can determine how close I got... but be aware that I needed to show some understanding of anatomy so I had to exaggerate the guy's musculature. I will also be posting updates as my next step is to unwrap the uvs and texture him.. and I would like comments on those also. Thanks.

Reference Images:
Front of head:
Side of head:
Front of body:
Side of body:

Renders of high poly mesh:
Front Body:
Side Body:
Back Body:
Perspective Body:
Front Head:
Side: Head:

Back Body:
Front Body:
Side Head:
Front Head:
First off, good job. I could never make anything like that. It looks extremely good! I'd give him a little larger fingers, thighs & calves but that's personal opinion.
Cool, thanks for the quick replies. I resized some of the fingers, and slightly increased the thickness of the legs. I didnt want to make the legs much bigger because as you can see, they are already bigger than the reference. Thanks for the comments and crits... keep them coming!

Ill give you some crit 2morrow, i dont even know why im posting this. I want to give you some now but im just to tired to write a mile long post. But it will be somthing for you to look foward to!
Well it's a good start. You'll need to carve it further. Pectorals should probably not be so square on the bottom edges, armpits need to be sunk in a little more, feet should be defined and shortened a little. However, the feet may look long if the settings your using for your render camera aren't set properly. Try setting your lens to 50mm. That will most accurately reproduce human focal length.
I could never ever do that. The one thing that jumped out at me was that his upper arms seemed scrawny given what everything else looked like. Upon further inspection, I think its moreso the sharp angles of the shoulders going into the arms not looking natural. In the model, there's angles near 90 degrees in the shoulders, whereas in the reference, there was a smooth transition from the shoulder into the arm.
Overall i would say your model is... so so. They shape and scale are not 100% but this is one of your first characters right? So thats not what is really important because its bound to have problems in those areas but with abit of practis you will get that sorted. What is letting your model down is the wireframe, your pollies are a total mess. I know your doing animation so its not as important as with game design but it is still very important. You dont want to wast pollys, in real life each one of those pollys would need to be rendered and the more there are the long its going to take!

But you also need to show you have a clear understanding of mesh flow in your models, try and stear clear of that "grid" look that you can see on the torso and legs. Try rotating and scaling rows of pollygones, it really can do wonders for you models, reduce the pollys by loads and also keeps your work clean. Alot of your pollys just arnt doing anything, try setting your self polly counts for your work. 4k is quite jenorus for a character. I know it dosnt matter to much for you but its best to try and keep your work tidy and stay out of bad habbits of wasting pollygones.
Thanks for all the input guys... it really helps.

@ Glo-boy: I have tried to soften all the muscles in general and hopefully the pecs look a little better. I did notice that the foot looks a lot longer than it actually is in the scene. I think it has to do with the pixel aspect ratios between our monitors and the resolution I rendered it at.

@ Qhartb:Thanks for pointing that out. I think I was trying to define that muscle more than I should have, and since I was looking at a smooth proxy I didnt realize how far out I actually pulled it. I adjusted that a bit and i think it looks better.

@ Stormy: Yeah... this is only my second character model ever. The first one was the one I posted in my other thread, and this is a large improvement. Next month I will be doing another character (which I will post here again, since you guys are great at critiquing stuff) and hopefully I will improve that much again. This month though they said they wanted a higher poly model (he said film resolution) character, so it wasnt a big issue for them this month. As it is right now, its just under 5k quads for the base mesh, which will be smoothed for final renders. Later on we have a few game art production classes where we will be modeling rather low poly characters. Also, they said it needed to deform nicely so I had to add edge loops at areas of deformation (elbows, neck, every finger joint, wrist, thigh-waist area, knees, toes ... etc). He said we should have 3-5 loops there to let it deform nicely.

I have however gotten rid of some polys, and improved the flow a bit. Im still looking for ways to get better flow, so if you see anything else I can rearrange, please please please let me know. Im going to start unwrapping the UVs tomorrow, so I want to finish it as best I can before I do that.

Again, thanks to everyone. Your comments are really helpful.

To try and get an understanding of getting nice neat model what i would suggest would to make a cylender primitive with 5 segments hight and 8 for the primiter. From that just try and make a torso shape in edit mesh. Use Rotate and Scale wile selecting rows of pollys, you should really be able to see how rotation can add alot to the form of your model. I'll make abit of an example if im explaining this really badly.
Hmm, I think I have a pretty decent understanding of edge flow (but perhaps not). Im just having a hard time visualizing how my edge flow on the character should play out. Whenever I look at it, I can never find areas to improve. I tried your cylinder trick, but I couldnt see how it was different from my model. I also went to the interwebs and found some posts by other people... and I still got nothin.
I think you've done a great job, modellin real humans is one of the hardest things there is to model, yet you've got the proportions right.Looks good, Well done :D
I'm just trying to stear you away from a kind of "grid" like mesh, if you look at your blokie, the shins and belly the pollys are very horizontal. Rotation is really your friend when creating characters. It just makes a cleaner mesh.

He has an ass that a black woman would be proud to have.
while I admit he has a nice ass ( D: ) I dont think its large enough for a black woman's satisfaction.