Need CS 1.6 help


Aug 22, 2003
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Well i Installed CS 1.6 i havent played this in a while. But I need help on my binds for Switching weapons.I get so Mad when i need to switch to my Secondary weapon and its not selected if u know what i mean.

Like is there a bind i can do that switches from primary to secondary At the press of a button?And can i bind a button to my nades..

Getting mad trying to select the weapon then have to press fire to equip it..

Or any websites that'll show me how..I know theres some Eleet Cs peeps out there!:E

hud_fastswitch 1

that makes it so when you press the button you have bound for a weapon it pulls it out immediately instead of having to click
Sorry but how do i bind my primary ,secondary and or Nades to a key? Whats the cmd?

You could use the console and type something like:
bind "v" "weapon_knife"

use weapon_c4
use weapon_glock18
use weapon_usp
use weapon_deagle
use weapon_p228
use weapon_m3
use weapon_xm1014
use weapon_ak47
use weapon_m4a1
use weapon_mp5navy
use weapon_tmp
use weapon_p90
use weapon_scout
use weapon_awp
use weapon_g3sg1
use weapon_sg552
use weapon_m249
use weapon_aug
use weapon_mac10

Can't ya just press the number keys... ?

They're right there...
that whole use_weapon thing is pretty tedious...why would you want a button for each weapon?

you should bind keys to "slot1" , "slot2" etc.
i forget if slot1 is knife or primary, but slot1-slot3 are primary, secondary, and knife.
slot4 is nades, but if you want a key for HE and a key for FBs, that's where you use the "use_weapon hegrenade" thing

and letters, pressing the number keys = suck
my config has ESDF for movement and W, R, and V for weapons...that way i never accidentally hit 3 when i mean to hit 2. sure you can hit the number keys, but other methods are faster and more precise.
Maskirovka said:
sure you can hit the number keys, but other methods are faster and more precise.

Well, maybe if you're not used to using them...
I've always used the # keys (w/ fastswitch) and I can switch to any weapon I want instantly- never had any problems. Just press the button once, and they're right there. Quick and easy.
Snakebyte said:
Well, maybe if you're not used to using them...
I've always used the # keys (w/ fastswitch) and I can switch to any weapon I want instantly- never had any problems. Just press the button once, and they're right there. Quick and easy.

regardless, using a key that's 2 keys away is slower (even if it's not that much slower) than using a key that's one key away from your normal movement keys. it's fine if you're used to it, but you're still slower than if you got used to using a closer key.