Need fast answer. Which cable to link two x-boxes?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Hey guys. Driving over to my Uncle's house for the weekend, for a combination birthday of my uncle, dad, and cousin's birthday that all fall on the same day. My cousin wanted me to bring my X-box, and if possible, a cord to connect them.

I was wondering,what kind of cord is it that can connect two x-boxes together for play? Also... is it at ALL possible to connect two X-boxes, to two TV's and have them all play the same game?

For example, two x-boxes linked, with eight players... four players per TV?

I'm sure it'll say something in there. I know lanning xboxes is easy as pie, but im not sure about 4 players per xbox in an 8 player game ... have a look in the manual.
lePobz said:

I'm sure it'll say something in there. I know lanning xboxes is easy as pie, but im not sure about 4 players per xbox in an 8 player game ... have a look in the manual.

I don't got a ****ing manual! I don't keep that shit around.
I think you need a crossover cable (looks like a regular network cable)

however, it might be patch, not sure
I forget what the cable it is called, but it isn't a LAN cable or a cat5...just go down to wal mart and look for one. ^ ^ crossover cable, you can directly connect 2 xboxs.
No idea what cable, but it depends on what game. Games like Halo 2 do support 4 players per Xbox per TV - so you can have 16 player battles across 4 TV's and Xbox's if you like (8 player in your case).
JiMmEh said:
No idea what cable, but it depends on what game. Games like Halo 2 do support 4 players per Xbox per TV - so you can have 16 player battles across 4 TV's and Xbox's if you like (8 player in your case).

Yeah. He was gonna play Halo 2. Do you know how to connect the Multiple TV thing? I can't find anything googling on it. My google skills are wimpy.

<gazes at his limp google>

EDIT: Nevermind. Guess that part is common sense. Just have a TV connected to each X-box, aye?
I'm almost positive that you network them just as you would for computers

doesn't matter if you use a hub (crossover's) or a router (patch) or just one to one (crossover)

Raziaar said:
Hey guys. Driving over to my Uncle's house for the weekend, for a combination birthday of my uncle, dad, and cousin's birthday that all fall on the same day. My cousin wanted me to bring my X-box, and if possible, a cord to connect them.

I was wondering,what kind of cord is it that can connect two x-boxes together for play? Also... is it at ALL possible to connect two X-boxes, to two TV's and have them all play the same game?

For example, two x-boxes linked, with eight players... four players per TV?

Yes, in Halo and in Halo 2 at least you can have four players on each xbox for up to 4 xbox's with a total of 16 players on the same map (4 per xbox/tv)
paying $15 for a crossover cable = pwned by microsoft :p
Hazar said:
paying $15 for a crossover cable = pwned by microsoft :p

i'm not sure if it supports regular cat5's so I linked that just to be safe.
Wait. Cat 5 cable. The cables that go from my network adapter to my router? I can just use one of those?

there are two types: patch and crossover

you can tell which one it is by looking at the ends carefully and seing if they're both the same (look at the colors of the wires), if they are, it's a patch, if a couple are different, then it's a crossover
Hazar said:

there are two types: patch and crossover

you can tell which one it is by looking at the ends carefully and seing if they're both the same (look at the colors of the wires), if they are, it's a patch, if a couple are different, then it's a crossover

So which do I want then, patch or crossover?

EDIT: Looks like the one i'm holding in my hand is a patch.
you need a CAT5 crossover cable. That said, I think the XBox is smart enough to detect what type you're using and use either (like new macs can), this is probably because you use the same type of cable when connecting two xboxes directly or 4 using a router.