Need feedback on a music video I made

It was... okay. Honestly, if you want to make a good music video, you need to do something more than just put music to cool anime scenes, because everyone does that.

The best music videos are the ones that tell stories. Yours had the beginning stuff and the end stuff of Akira, but nothing that tied the two together. So it ends up just being neat action scenes from the movie played against rock music.

[edit] I don't mean to be mean, though. This isn't a "LOL you suck!" post, it's a "You have the drive, just keep working" post.
Thanks a lot man :D

I made this one in grade 9 (now i;m in gr. 12) and I ws just starting out with making music videos. I'll use your advice for my next one which I am working on right now and nearly done.

Once again, thanks for the opinion, I really appreciate it.
No problem. It's good to see you can take criticism, and use it to help you, rather than assume everything negative is an attack on your ego :P

Is your new video live-action? Animated?
I really enjooy watching anime music videos that have the lyrics to the song match up with what is being shown in the video in a dramatic or funny way. Now, the one I saw *so many years ago..* Triangle Man to Dragon Ball Z..that was hillarious.

It's all in how it's shown. It's true, you can't just throw a cool song with random scenes in some anime and call it good..those are overdone and bothersome.

Lol joke. I think i'ts good, but a music video really shines if it has a relevant clip that ties into the beats played. Not many people do it and it can really ruin a good amv.
My perfect inspiration for a music video would be this:
As there's lots of tie-ins with both the lyrics, and the rhythm of the song.

Hope to see your next one. Is it also on Akira? Good film.

EDIT: FO Cyber! I was here first with that advice! :p
Whatever that anime cartoon was, it was ****ing dodgey
Whatever that anime cartoon was, it was ****ing dodgey

Akira. It's about a guy who uuhm... was in a scientific experiment, where they increased his psychic powers. Then he went psycho.
It's an awesome film, but yeah very gory. Best animated anime I can think of.
Akira. It's about a guy who uuhm... was in a scientific experiment, where they increased his psychic powers. Then he went psycho.
It's an awesome film, but yeah very gory. Best animated anime I can think of.
Truth. It's a very, very good film. I've yet to see it more than once :(
I just finished my new music video. I'll post it up on youtube is animated with the anime Rurouni Kenshin (better known as Samurai X).

I have made 1 other Akira music video but I don't want to show's with the song The Way You Like It by doesn';t really follow a story at all..I just kinda wanted to put together an action music video with all the best moments in Akira..but if you guys want I'll post it's up to you.

But thank you guys for your opinions so far! :D
Arg, shouldnt Linkin Park have died like 5 years ago?

The music made me turn it off before the first minute was up. From what I could tell though, it looks like you timed the visuals fairly well with the music.

And please post the other one. Adema isnt as bad :P
I remember making a thread years ago asking why so many people use Linkin Park to anime videos.

Those were the days...
Lol..I know Linkin Park is over-used. But the main reason why people hate it (when used with anime) is because there are countless retards who make these videos with Linkin Park that don't even go with the anime. The lyrics have nothing to do with the anime, it isn't timed well at all and it's mostly 1 extremely long continuous clip with no chance with music in the background.

I chose papercut for this video because I thought the lyrics went fairly well with the anime.

Well I'll post up my other Akira music video and the Rurouni Kenshin one today.
You need to remove the faux-lipsync from the beginning of the first chorus, it doesn't fit with the style of the rest of the video.

Also, you need more of a buildup. Beginning with action scenes isn't really the best way to draw the viewer in.
Which video were you talking about?

And thanks for the opinion! :)
Akira. It's about a guy who uuhm... was in a scientific experiment, where they increased his psychic powers. Then he went psycho.
It's an awesome film, but yeah very gory. Best animated anime I can think of.

Devilman owns your face.