Need Help...BIG Help


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Hi there, I having some trouble, it appears some textures do not get drawn. I'm putting my bsp in HL2\maps (i've provided a screenshot). Basically, I've built a courtyard, with buildings drawn in 3D usinga sky camera and providing it with its own skybox.

It does come up with a message stating Graph node out of date, but I thought thts for AI so I don't think thats the problem.

I'm using the texture .wad provided by the sdk, this is were I think the problem lies. the textures that are purple/pink are some of the textures used in Counterstrike:source. But I'm confused because if every texture that i used is in one .wad file, then the wall should be invalid as well, do you have a ideas or clues as to where the problem lies?
i think the problem is that your using CSS textures in a HL2 map. go back into the editor and make sure your mapping under HL2 or HL2DM from hammer.

to double check if your editing with HL2 or HL2DM. when the SDK screen comes up before you launch hammer... on the bottom it says something like create with then a box to the right, dropdown pip screen to choose the right editor. choose HL2 or HL2DM. then launch the SDK. your textures will show in the editor, but try to change the texture and then restart the map. the texture should now show up. if this helps the case, you'll have to go back and edit all your textures.
sabre0001 said:
Try validating files - it says something about a purple checkerboard so that might be it...Copy and paste this link into a window and validate some files and see if that solves it...

Well I did what you said, and now the sdk won't let me in. It keeps on coming up with an error message

'MountFileSystem(221)failed: SystemMountFileSystem(3976,221,0x497fbfc=,0x497fd0c)failed with error: Cache needs repair'

I've unistalled local game files and reinstalled without the validation fix but it keeps on coming up, any help would be great at this time
^^Follow MrMan - validate files, run HL2 and then SDK..Worked for me for some reason *shrugs*
sabre0001 said:
^^Follow MrMan - validate files, run HL2 and then SDK..Worked for me for some reason *shrugs*

Yeah, cheers for the advice MrMan and Sabre, just realised I had to do that to the SDK when I first installed it, ITS FINALLY WORKIN :naughty: