Need help. Can you DEcompile a BSP?


Nov 21, 2004
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Well here's what happened, and I don't know how. I was working on a map (gasp) and compiled it, ran it. Worked! Yay! So I opened up Hammer to work on it and I noticed a wall was missing. As I snooped through the map I realized that this was an OLD version of the map. It had been saved over AT LEAST three times from its current state. There's a huge unfixable hole in the wall and my fairly complex scripted sequence is absent. However the compiled version is in my HL2-maps thing. (I just ran Half-Life2 and loaded it) And its what it SHOULD be. So I was wondering: Can that map be decompiled so that I can recover what I lost? If so, how? Thank you.
Short answer: no. Long answer: no, so next time back up incrementally. Sorry =(
Well that sux. I mean it was just a sandbox map, but it was MY sandbox map. Ah yes, on to "test_06" ... lol. (Actually, for the record, I did back up regularly. I distinctly remembering saving it at least ONCE (before I shut down that night), and that was a pretty different map then this. (And I swear I saved it a couple of times.) Well no use crying about it. Thanks for the quick reply. Onto other things.
For HL1 there was a program released after a while where you could actually decompile the .bsp file but id say you would have to wait a while for something like that... Sux when it happens though i have to agree...
Short answer: Yes

long answer: You wouldnt want to. The geometry you get out of decompile programs are entirely unworkable, cluttered, and impossible to manipulate in hammer. Imagine from a small map like de_dust, a decompile output .map with 220,490 brushes each thinner than paper.
Kabukiavenger said:
Short answer: Yes

long answer: You wouldnt want to. The geometry you get out of decompile programs are entirely unworkable, cluttered, and impossible to manipulate in hammer. Imagine from a small map like de_dust, a decompile output .map with 220,490 brushes each thinner than paper.
Uhhm, no, you don't get 220,490 brushes.
As a base for rebuilding your map, it sucks. Much easier and quicker to start from scratch.