Need help compiling HL2:DM maps


Nov 26, 2004
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I don't want to destroy the counter-strike configuration i've got one for half-life2 dm and cstrike but it won't let me use the half-life2 one . says it works fine but when i go to compile it it uses the cstrike information. i never had this problem with worldcraft before now it's really annoying me. any ideas?
the latest steam update fubar'd everything. it now bypasses the option of which platform you want to edit in and now defaults to CSS and you can't change it even in tools/options.

when i updated I actually showed 3 options 1. CSS, 2. HL2:Source work around that I created and 3. Half Life2: Source which was the full SDK update today. which I was overjoyed at, but when i closed it down, i now cannot get the last 2 options.
egads. yeah this is my first instance of hammer since i patched with the new sdk. i aswell was overestatic. noticed that it didn't ask which configuration i wanted to use. I just assumed that was something they changed with the new version of hammer since all i had there before was css. so i'll just have to leave it open so that i don't loose my hl2 configure. Thanks for the quick response.
ok figured out why you can't choose which platform to edit for after you load hammer.

you need to do this before loading hammer. on the bottom of the Source SDK window, it says "current game" from the drop down menu choose which platform you want to edit for then launch hammer.

unfortunately, my model viewer still crashes.
That did it thanks. I'm not having any problems with mine. I am still getting crashes in the game though :(. I have another question, what entity do I put in to put a model in the map? Or am I wrong to think it's an entity. If so, how do I put them in?
your right for models they are entities.

use prop_static/prop_physics/prop_dynamic_override depending on how you want to use the entity. use world model in the alt+enter to get the prop model you want to use.
On the model viewer when you go to load a model load the ones with extension .jpg don't know why they put them like that but it'll load the model. some of hte mdl ones will load for me but others won't *shrug*. hope that helps (?) One more question. Which one works with the grav gun?