need help configing bullettime


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
i got this

sv_cheats 1
bind b "+BT"
alias "+bt" "host_timescale 0.3;phys_pushscale 20;cl_phys_timescale 0.1;Physcannon_maxforce 10000;physcannon_minforce 3000;physcannon_tracelength 1000;physcannon_maxmass 8000;physcannon_pullforce 8000"
alias "-bt" "host_timescale 1;phys_pushscale 1;cl_phys_timescale 1;Physcannon_maxforce 1500;physcannon_minforce 700;physcannon_tracelength 250;physcannon_maxmass 250;physcannon_pullforce 4000;"

so whenever i hold b, it works, but i want it so i press it once, for it to start, then press it again for it to stop

how do i do that?
Maybe try putting "bind b -bt" at the end of "+bt" and vice versa?
aku ankka said:
Maybe try putting "bind b -bt" at the end of "+bt" and vice versa?

Thats how you would do it, but rename the aliases btON and btOFF, as the + and - are used for pushandhold commands.
TigerRei said:
I'm surprised nobody yet has used the bindtoggle feature
most ppl are used to the old way of toggling aliases as they wrote scriptes for hl1/cs/q3