Need help finding anime!


Sep 13, 2003
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I'm looking for a kid's anime movie. It was about a chipmunk named "Peepoe" or something. My girlfriend mentioned it and said she loved it as a kid. I figured it would be a nice grad gift for her or something. She didn't know what the title was, or even how the chipmunk's name was spelled. If any anime freaks know this one, can they tell me what the title is, or how I can find it? > Search "Hentai For Kids"

And knowing the Japanese, what you heard as being pronounced as "Peepoe" is probably spelled like "Peipoae" in English, but who knows?
I never knew what hentai meant until I did that search. Wow.

Seriously, has anybody seen this?
Why'd you make him search for Hentai?

Anyways, I would think asking in an anime forum would work best. has an extensive anime list and a forum. Maybe that would be a good place to look.

Thanks dude. Anime scares the hell out of me, as a matter of fact, and going to this site isn't easy. The things I do for my woman...
Hentai is perhaps one of the most disturbing phenomena I've ever had the misfortune to come across.
Lol, sorry Mattigus. I was just trying to joke around with ya. Didn't know you didn't know what it was.
It's cool. You've made me a stronger man because of it.
I have more hints. Apparently, the chipmunks are brother and sister, and they live in an apartment. They decide to go looking for the woods. The brother ends up in a zoo for some reason.

I'm sure this doesn't help much.
Mattigus said:
I have more hints. Apparently, the chipmunks are brother and sister, and they live in an apartment. They decide to go looking for the woods. The brother ends up in a zoo for some reason.

I'm sure this doesn't help much.
I dunno why, but that is just soooo funny :laugh:
YES! THATS IT!! Thank you very much, lucid. I bought it on amazon, and it's on its way right now. I hope she likes it.
What a happy ending to the thread. I feel all warm inside.