Need help getting started in 3dmax

Jan 26, 2005
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Okay, I have downloaded and watched Ichii's vtm on the beretta 9000.

Now I want to try and model a beretta 92fs.
I chose this gun cause I know a bit about it, which will help me. This being my first time modeling.

Now here is my problem. :eek:

I want to setup the reference photo on the plane I have made.
I have a pretty good quality left side view of the gun. It's 2048 by 1536 pixels.

But when I add it to the plane the grade of detail highly degrades.
Which is stopping me in really getting onto the real modeling.

If you have any idea of what I am doing wrong or should set to get the details noticable, please tell me.
Hmm.. not really sure.

Try reducing the size of the image before you import it. I've always had better results when shrinking the image in photoshop, instead of letting max do it.

I tried reducing it to 25% of it's original size.
But sure enough if I can't remember how it was before and I can't really be bothered to double check it.

But I guess the details are a bit better to spot.

Thanks, mate!

If anyone has met this problem and knows another solution please continue posting :)
Your not really ment to model a hole weapon from one side referance, well i dont, use it more of a scale/shape tool. Use it to get the general shape and size of the weapon right and then use general pics off google and stuch to get the small details. And use the back referance pic to get it in the right place and the right size. Dont expect to model a hole gun from one side pic.
That's beyond my skill level at the moment..
But I'll keep that in mind so I can work on it.
Oh, there is an option somewhere in the Max properties whrere you can set the quality of images but i dont know where it is... look for some tutorials on setting up reference, they should have that covered.
Yea, i think there's an option that sets the max texture size, the default is 512, and the max is 1024.
Good God Almighty.

Ok... on the main Toolbar (File, Edit, Views, etc) there is a menu title "Customize". Under there, select "Preferences". On the "Viewports" tab at the bottom there is a section titled "Display Drivers". within that section there are 2 buttons; "Choose Driver..." and "Configure Driver...". choose "Configure Driver...".

A new Window shall appear. Look for thr sections titled "Background Texture Size" and "Download Texture Size". You have some presets you can shoose within those sections such as 256x256 or 512x512. If all you need is one of those sizes then go ahead and choose one of them for each section. If however you need larger sizes or irregular shaped images (not perfectly square) then you should select the checkboxes underneath the "Background" section and "Download" section that reads "Match Bitmap Size as Closely as Possible". This will keep your textures from being resized by 3dsmax EVER.


1. Background textures are statically displayed in the viewport backgrounds. They are not used for a great deal as far as I use them.

2. Download textures are everything else (Materials and such, like the pic of the gun on the plane).

3. These changes will likely only change once you restart max OR go into the material browser and start changing the bitmaps around in the sub-materials.

Hope this answers your question.

EDIT: One more note. Max has no limit to displayable texture size.. that's a hardware limit and totally up to what your specs can handle. If you check the "Match material size as closely as possible" checkboxes, your texes will display at actual resolution no matter the dimentions or size.
Okay I have finished my model now.

Tri count: 1661

Now I want to put it in Counter Strike Source.
Where can I find some tutorials on how to do that?

It needs skinning, animation and compiling I guess..