Need help guys. How can I get more flexibility?

Jun 30, 2003
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I am starting martial art tricking and a part of that requires flexibility. I already take a martial art but I only take it once a week. I plan to move to recreational gymnastics but that's far from the point.
Any methods to gain flexibility? Home stretches are prefered. I already do one thing to gain flexibility but I need some more methods to get flexible faster. Any methods? :cheers:
Hey again! My last post tonight... I promise!! :P

Anyway.. I am sure lotsa guys will come up with some ingenious stretches for ya! But I just thought I would point out that my brother can do the splits in two ways outa three and all he ever really did was practise doing the splits... That is to say; Go down as far as you can... and then go further. :o

Heheh, another tip too If you get someone to stretch you..

Say someone holds your leg up in the air while you are on one foot back against the wall then push your leg (with your leg muscles) against their force that is holding it up there. I cant remember why but it makes you much more flexable more quickly....

Sorry if that isnt a very good explanation.... I may return tomorrow. :)
I think you should make one single thread about the subject of martial arts, not spread out small aspects like this.