Need help, how to save a kitten?


Nov 1, 2004
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Havent been posting for about a month because ive been gone on summer trips but im going home later this week. Im in Spain right now, and i live in italy. A wild cat recently gave birth to 3 kittens just outside my house. The chance of these cats survival is very small because im the only one who feeds the cats around here (no close neighboors) and theres a lot of wild animals around. So i have decided to save the life of one of these kittens but im not sure if thats really a good thing to do considering that i have to take a newborn kitten away from its mother, travel 48+ hours across europe in a car in hot weather. They sell things for new born kittens in a store nearby, including the milk they need etc. So is it possible that i can save this kitten, or is it usuless? How many days does a kitten need to be with its mother before it can be taken away?

On a funny note, the mother is 100% white, two of the kittens are completely white, but one of the kittens is completely BLACK lol. I have pics too, but il post them when i get home to italy, along with many other intressting photos.

Oh god i have missed this forum so much :bounce:
Travelling with a NEWBORN kitten away from it's mother is a really terrible idea. It almost certainly won't survive.

Newborns need specialist care and need 24 hour care, which doesn't involve 48 hours in a car.

If I were you, I'd leave the kittens.
Or you could take them with you as snacks for the travel.
I'm super serial you guys.

I'm actually being quite serious. Taking a kitten away is a pretty shit thing to do. I know that you think it will die if you leave it there but it's got more chance of survival there than if you take it away from it's mother and into a hot car without it's mother's milk (one of the main things it needs for survival in the first few weeks of it's life).
I read up on it a bit and have decided not to do it, i dont want to have a dead kitty on my concense :eek: (sp?). Hopefully they will still be alive when i come back. Built a little home for them too were they can sleep safetly, the mother seem to love it :stare:
I read up on it a bit and have decided not to do it, i dont want to have a dead kitty on my concense :eek: (sp?). Hopefully they will still be alive when i come back. Built a little home for them too were they can sleep safetly, the mother seem to love it :stare:

:D That's the best thing you could have done. Leave them some food when you go and hope for the best.