Need help in "Follow Freeman"

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Ok, so as you probably guessed, I am in Follow Freeman. I am in this building, towards the top. in picture 1, you see the stairs i go up. This is the only option, I have walls all aroud me. I get to the top (pic 02 shows the view), and thats as far I can go. There appears to be some sort of walkway above, but it leads nowhere (unless you count death by strider). I can't figure out what to do. Thank you in advance!!!


  • RooftopStriders_01.jpg
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The only way is to run up the to top via whatever debri you can find and make your way back to the stairwell where you will find rockets galor!

Edit: In that second pic of yours you can see that fallen "I" beam, you have to run up that and then traverse across the frame work to the stairwell, its not easy but you can do it, but do it quick.
run up that beam in front of you, that is what I did, just wait till the strider is in a position that it can't spot you. and wait and kill all the Mark II scanners that drift in. when they snap your picture it alerts the strider. so kill them and wait a while so the strider gives up then run up the beam.
i dont recall ever playing that part...

I beat the game though!

*eats cookie*
Thanks, I will try that. Will post when I've passed it.
The other guys covered it, but just in case:

Walk up the fallen support-beam.
Oh now i remember. Yeah that part was awkward i found out though in like 5 minutes.
I made it finally! I had couple days off of HL2, work and school took away my time. I just sat down and beat it on the first try. Thanks to all for your help!! One note for anyone else reading this thread in hopes of finding help:

If you wait till the scanners get close, and pop them with the shotgun, they drop a suit charge pack when they explode.
I beat the game on mediuum and that never happened. But since i started it again on hard, it does drop that. SO im guessing that only on hard.

Dude the manhacks are so effing hard to kill on hard!!! I got the hang of it, but it took ages!!