Need help please with scripting


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score

I wanted to make a scene where a zombie lies against a wall, and as soon as the player enters a trigger, he stands up and acts by AI again.

I know I should best use a scripted_sequence for this, but how to set it up?


1) You start in a room where the zombie lies agains a wall. The animation for this is called slump_a
2) When you enter a trigger, the zombie should play slumprise_a, which will make him stand up.

Every setup I've tried makes the zombie twitch a little bit and act funny with animations.
Im not sure what your using this for, but if you just want the zombi to wake up and stand when the player gets close to him, or enters the same room, you can use the "wake radius" keyvalue for the npc entity.

If you need the npc to be waken by a player trigger, place a brush covered in the trigger texture where you want the player to have to touch to wakeup the npc. Tie that brush to a trigger_multipal. Name the trigger_multipal as well as any npc that will be waken. Set the npc's "sleep state" keyvalue to "waiting for input". In the trigger_multipal's output menu, add a new output and set it like this:


Then when the player walks into the area covered by the trigger_multipal brush, the zombi will wake.