Need Help to Start up a Mod Idea


Aug 8, 2004
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I have a good idea for a mod.... here it is

Horror Mod called "-50/ or Fifty Below"

Setting- 2015- US military/submarine base-Borden Island,Northwest Territories, Canada.

Plot-The military has been genetically making animals to be used as biological weapons(Headcrabs). One night, an ice storm hits the island and knocks power. The headcrabs manage to escape and wreak havok across the base. As Mark Clemenski, you must venture across the base with your bunk mate, Josh Nosonic, and find any possible way to escape from the base. Try reaching the submarine base to escape by sea or the air base to escape by air.
When the military caught wind of this mess they sent in a clean up crew to kill anyone and anything that might leak this information to the public.

Map ideas- Submarine base, Submarine interior, cafeteria, barraks, outside(snowy enviornment), Air base hanger, labratories,creature holding areas, docks for equipment ships.
(If possible) driveable snowmobile outside

I have no experience in mapping,coding etc. so any volunteer work would be greatly appreciated.
Voice actors are also needed.

If you have any questions or would like to join post here or e-mail me at [email protected] Thanks!!! ;)
Wow that actually sounds schweet! I can picture helicopters like flying by the camera and approaching the base and zombies using rpg's like mad and trying to shoot them down then huge battle. You are one of the last guys standing...its night and you have to escape with your life fast, Fighters are coming to bomb the bases to destroy all evidence of the experiment.

How does that sound halflifeguy?

Oh by the way I can help map.
I love it. I would love to have you as a mapper.I think the game should start off like the first HL, just another day on the job. And just so u know u dont get to choose how escape. The first way you try to escape is by submarine but the crew was wiped out by the zombies. You then make your way across the baren wasteland of the island to the airbase, but the airplanes have been destroyed. So you then have to make your ways through the labratory and research complex to try and make it to the docks where one of the last supply ships is leaving.
Sounds good, keep it as far away from the thing as possible though.
I can only cheer you guys on......
But good luck and take your time ^_^.
Don't give up untill you have finished the map.
A-my team is busy working on something thats very unique

B-this does sound like a pretty good idea if done right. i can also see it being horrible. be careful and make sure you have either really good ai, or just tons of zombies. i would suggest tons of them with low AI. then when the military gets there, have fewer enemies but make them really smart.
What kind of weapons would your charachter get? Would they be real weapon, or unique to this mod (that could help raise the fun level too, EVERY mod is not complete unless they have an M4 and an AK :rolleyes: ) If you need help with concept art (mechanical stuff, 2D only) let me know. Thanks
Aliens/Zombies are loose in a facility and a Military team is sent to kill everyone?

Sounds like Half-Life.
It sounds more like a map-pack than a mod.
IDEA - Make our own zombies that get like infected by demon like things. A perfect example is Doom 3.
Uhh I started work on the mod. I am using "Fifty Below" as the name. Its not too late to change it halflifeguy so let me know before I get too much done. Also in the credits, what do you want it to say for you?... HalfLifeGuy?... halflifeguy? Please let me know.
Woa I am actually making some progress. Changed "Half-Life 2" on the front menu to "Fifty Below" in an icey font, added custom startup video, added names to credits and begining work on the menu backgrounds. I just want to know halflife guy, what is our team, group, studio, or whatever you wana call it's name (for startup video).
What genre of weapons do you want? I could get some real life ones (IMI .44 Desert Eagle) or some made up ones (IMI .60 Semi-Automatic Rifle w/scope)

Other possibilities include the Acid Rifle (self explanatory) and Lasers (I love em, would love to see a mod with a laser rifle/carbine)
Yea I think we are going for stuff like a Deagle and M4. Uh get whatever you think would fit aroud that category.
I would want some real life military weapons( M4 , Mp5, beretta, desert eagle, maybe OICW) and we could brainstorm some ideas for the team name. In the credits i would like my name to be "Ryan Ligi" thats my name ;)
I love the name "Fifty Below". I think it gives it a nice touch to the game.
Anyway........could somebody start recruiting voice actors?
We only need like 3 or 4. Im gonna do the main characters voice but we need somebody for Josh Nosonic, soldiers, Cpt. Porter( your commanding officer until all hell breaks loose) and zombies etc.
I can do some voices too I guess. I am not sure if my mic is good enough, but I think it will be great. I can cleanup the voices in Cool Edit Pro (Professional sound studio I have).
When you can, Sgt. Redneck, could you send me some screenshots of the title menu with the backgorund and some of the progress you've made on maps
halflifeguy said:
I have no experience in mapping,coding etc.

I left this alone to begin with, as usually these threads die out when nobody offers to help, but now I feel I should chip in...

Going by the above quote, do you really think you leading this mod is such a good idea...?
Yes I think he is fully capable. He won't be all controling this way (not that he would be if he did know how). Anyways Halflifeguy, I want to know what EXACT setting for the first time the player is inserted into the map...EXACT with ALOT of DETAIL! LoL Thanks
I was thinking of starting the game off on a regular patrol day with you waking up in your bunk. I want the screen to be blury at to show the effects of drowsiness and then go clear. The only thing lit in the room is the lamp on your nightstand. Next to the lamp is an alarm clock which shows 3:31am. The room is like a dorm room, with one other bunk to the left of you with another soldier sleeping in it.There are trunks at the foot of the bed and two lockers and shelves next to the door leading out of the room. As you sit up you go to your shelf and locker with your name on it to collect your weapon(MP5 to start) and Helmet which provides about 15% armor. I will e-mail you ,Sgt. Redneck, to give you the rest of the beginning level.
And I will get a script going for the voice actors.

And just so you know....... i do know what i'm doing. I might not know how to code or map, but i know a bad game when i see one and i will not let this mod be one of them. Besides, im just the creator, writer and voice actor. The mappers, skinners and coders are the real workers here.
Great idea but it sounds a lot like half life one really with the marine clean up squad and the use of head crabs. personally i would use the idea of some of parrisite maybe only noticable from afar so you dont right away know who is firend or foe and also i think you should include a few mutants such as parisite dogs cats seals (lol) etc to give it that original edge also i would keep one or 2 objectives secret so instead of just tryin to escape add a few objective like destroy control room and revenge your dogs death or somthin on those lines ( i know im makin things up as i go along) anyway hope i helped
Yeah i guess ur right
Ok.......change of bout maybe like a nanotechnologically created machine that can not be spotted even under an electron microscope? And it carries a disease that takes control of the hosts brain( Humans, seals, dogs, what have you) and turns them into cannibalistic zombies.
better more original but the zombies should be some what visible and as our friend here says dont make them to zombie like as 2 many zombie mods are comin out AND RE EVIL4 IN A MONTH WOOOOOOOOOOOOO so think about an orginal enemy maybe even thinking about different possibilities thats what i do to stay original with our mod
well lets start brainstorming some ideas for enemies. We have to keep the special forces though
Yeah, look at the Zombies from Doom 3. They are big and slow, but hard too kill. You need something like that...