need help with an x-men mod...



not sure if unpaid work is allowed to be asked here but here goes. i need a programmer. i need someone who is capable of modding the source engine, that i can discuss idea's i have with and come up a decent plan for the mod, based on things he/she says are possible to do. and based on how i feel the mod should be made.

without further adeu, here is my imput to the mod. i am a 3d modeler, and texture artist. my neighber will be making map objects and vehicles.

i give you, phoenix.


i havent ever seen an x-men mod for anything, and being an avid marvel fan i thought i should try to start one.
You'll run into deep trouble with IP laws if you do.

All work here is assumed unpaid, unless otherwise stated. Welcome to the boards.

-Angry Lawyer
Most of the work advertised here is for unpaid work

and most mods using intellectual property of a film/comic book get shut down too
thanks for the welcome guys...

ive seen a few spiderman mods arround.. i wasnt aware that they were ever shut down though. and really, if they are, then thats a bit poo. all i want to do is make a mod that isnt another CS clone, in fact, anything without guns would do me >_>
Why don't you just make a bunch of new superhero's and give them a group name like super group of super hero's or something and make a game off of that.