Need help with console


May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Hi, I thought other people had the same problem as I, but after searching the threads I couldn't find anything.

In HL1, I had to start Half-life as "C:/Games/Valve/HL.exe +console" to use the console, but this doesn't seem to work with HL2 because of Steam. To bring up the console I used the §-button (I've got swedish keys, but it's the button under escape, where I believe most countrie's have "~").

In HL2 I've turned on the "Developer Console" via the advanced options, but it doesn't work! I don't know what the problem is, do you? :afro:
Did you press the 'apply' button afterwards?

You might need to set a different key to Console, they might not have taken Swedesh keyboards into account when making the game.

-Angry Lawyer
Thanks for your answer!

I'm pretty sure I did, but I will check. I didn't see the console listed with the other keys, are you sure it's possible to select which key to use?
It didn't work with the apply button either, it's already applied.

I think it's strange that it worked in HL1 but not in this game, because they are created quite similar if I've got it right...
Alright, I don't know if this will work or why the apply button didn't work, but I have an idea.

Go to your config.cfg file, located in the:
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life 2\hl2\cfg


In side this file, there is a line which reads:

con_enable "0"

Change the '0' to '1' and see if that works. You might have to change it in multiple locations, since there are many places similar in both the HL2 and HL2DM folders.

Good luck, and hope it works
i put -console

This in mine: C:\Program\steamhl2\Steam.exe -applaunch 220 -console

Är du svensk ? :)
hi... (im swe fortune =P...)

So i went to the cfg.. and i thought hmm maby i should change

bind "´" "toggleconsole" so i did changed it 3 time... and then i had 3 o bind "´" "toggleconsole"
bind "n" "toggleconsole"
bind "k" "toggleconsole"

o shit.. (by the way con enable is alredy at 1..)
and now the game donest work im getting some error on could not
read memroy 132514435 at 3209423095 shit..
and now im wonndering if i have to reinstal or some one maby give me their cfg file??.. (dont know if this will work tho) and how exactly did you change yours Fortune?? the hl2 exe or what??.. and did it work for you?... okey thanks..
YES i figured it out!...
(What a relef!...
Just change the keyboard to american english insted of
Swe for instans... and then i works... peas of cake..
(oo had to reinstal hl2... ehe... bye