Need help with physically modelled doors


Aug 14, 2003
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I have been following this tutorial word-for-word, but I can't seem to get my door to attach to the phys_hinges. When I shoot it, the door just falls over... If anyone can help me, or direct me to a better tutorial, I would appreciate it greatly. :)
try makeing the door a simple physical object and just put it in a hole on the door ^_^
I have the same problem. The tutorial tells you to tie the door brush to a physbox entity. Then when you make the phys_hinges and align them, fill in the entity1 and entity2 boxes. The door wont get attached. It just falls over if you run into it or shoot it.
Maybe turn off the damage thingy, or being effected in a certain way *shrugs* or do the tutorial again and try different things. Or do something that seems logical and it might work
Try using phys_ballsocket, it works every time for me, and gives the same effect.