Need Help With Props in Hammer


Dec 13, 2004
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I downloaded the SDK yesterday, and have started to play around with it today. I've created rooms, hallways, and a fireplace. But i can't for the life of me find out how to place normal props, ie. a table. I know the entity button, but how do i load props that aren't in the pull-down box? i looked on a few sites but the best i could find just said:

You can quickly get physical models that you can shoot around- such as barrels- into your level with the prop_physics entity. Simply load up an appropriate model, such as models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl (they have to be compatible with this entity- if the model you have chosen does not appear in-game then you need to use a different type of prop_ entity with it!)

But how do you load up the models? Any help would be appreciated.
click the entity button, make it a prop_static and then select the model
yeah, but where do i select the model from? i click prop_static and there are no (obvious) dialog boxes to choose from.
right-click on the newly placed entity and choose "properties" (or press alt+enter), see the part that says "world model"? Highlight it and click browse....