Need Help With PSP


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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My brother bought a psp off some kid and all he got was the psp a case and a movie and a game and a 32mb memory stick and he wants to put music on it (not alot) but he doesn't know what kind of software he needs to put music and pictures and stuff on it, what kind of software does he need?
First of all, do you have some sort of cord to connect your PSP to your PC, or some way to upload PC files onto the PSP memory stick?

Other than that, I doubt you'd need any specific software, unless this UMD format requires odd codecs.
He has the USB cable and he says there is a message that says "Device is unkown", so if he doesn't need software what does he have to do to put stuff on it?
You need a card reader. Then just connect the memory card to your pc and transfere the files over to it. Stick it in the PSP and you have music :)

At least, i assume it's done that way.
What is a card reader, and where can I get one?
Dog-- said:
What is a card reader, and where can I get one?
You stick those little cards into them, the 32mb one you are talking about goes into the tiny gap. No idea where, alot of places i'd expect.
Futureshop, Best Buy, possibly Target, CompuSmart (*shudders*), basically any place that sells computer hardware I assume.
my brother will post from now on with my name

how do you do it with the USB?
Well, since your computer isn't recognising the PSP as a valid device, I would try looking on a PSP-dedicated forum, on whatever tech support sub-forum they've got. Chances are they'll have a device driver for it.
I think I need new drivers, where do I download new drivers for psp's USB?
We don't actually know for certain, we are using our common sense, if you want an educated opinions go to some psp forums, a quick google search brought up

Wasn't too hard!
You plug the USB into your PSP and your computer.. you don't use a card reader as they hardly ever work with these Sony-Exclusive cards..

If your computer isn't detecting it try the above ^^ to find a fix.. But go to "My Computer" just to make sure it's not showing up as a removable drive anyways.. Should come up similar to how a USB thumb looks when you plug it in..

Mine recognizes it as a removable drive and opens it up.. you then drag the music into PSP/Music.
Ok, I found out how to get the PSP working on the computer, but when I try and put music/photos on it, it says there is an error with the I/O (Input/Output) Device, what do I do?