Need Help!


Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Ok I have 4.5 drivers and I downloaded the latest control panel version and I dont have the Overdrive tab or the one with the VPU Recover one.

I tried downloading other control panel versions but I still dont get these tabs :frown:

I dont want to get any new drivers because I like these and I am not risking getting poorer performance with new ones.

This is pissing me off :flame:
Do yourself a favor and upgrade to Catalyst 4.7. They're much better than the 4.5s
I am kinda of a noob about these drivers...

so do I have to delete my current drivers and then install the new ones?

OR do i just dl them and install them?

Before i had 3.8 then 4.2 and so on until 4.6 and this really screwed my system, I had very low fps and so i had to delete all my drivers. Then i just installed 4.5 and everything was alright.
You CAN install over the old ones, but it's highly recommended that you do a full uninstall of both the ATi drivers and the ATi control panel.
ok whatever you say :|

I am going to dl them right now...

they better be good....

or else... :sniper:
well i guess it sort of worked...

theres any overdrive tab and vpu recover one but sadly I have a strong feeling that my performance is going to be low.

because now i see my flat panel lag...

and lets see if it could beat my 3d mark score of 3988-4.5

testing now....
damit now it says that it my hardware doesnt support something like billiniar filtering ect.. and now i cant run the test.

but anyways its not your fault shuzer.. I knew this was coming. :(

now I have to figure out how fix this.

Now I know why everyone hates ATI drivers, they have shitty drivers :hmph:


edit: forget this im going to sleep and fix this shit tommorrow
Wow, not sounding good... Windows likes being formatted :D.

The 9600XT wouldn't be a GeCube by any chance, would it?
:hmph: Some companies such as Asus don't support ATi's overdrive feature. Simple as that. But I don't get why you are missing the VPU recover tab.
I have and ATI one.

and I guess my 9600 XT likes the 4.5 drivers, now I am going to try to delete

all the drivers that I have....

edit: when I installed the full 4.7 drivers I DID get the overdrive tab and the VPU Recover tab