Need help :(


May 23, 2004
Reaction score
And so today was the day that I found out in my SMARTGART that it said max x4 AGP :(

umm so this means that I have to get x8 AGP motherboard to run x800 xt perfectly(I'm using radeon 9700 right now)? Is it worth it to upgrade from x4 AGP to x8 AGP?
I've heard that 8x isn't too much better than 4x. However, too get the most out of it, yes, you should upgrade.
I have not seen any tests with the X800/6800 series but with the G4/5900 and 9700/9800 series there were no noticable performance hits when running at 4x.
I heard that you get 1%-3% more fps in games, is this true? (I'm thinking most for hl2)

If it is so then it would be waste of money to upgrade to x8 AGP.
Yeah it would be a waste of money to upgrade. No difference at all, don't upgrade.