Need ideas for a cheap heatsink


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I need a cheap heatsink for some electronics i'm working on. It doesn't need to be fancy, it doesn't need to divert a ton of heat, it doesn't need to have any accurate thermal characteristics, it just needs to work.

I'm looking for ghetto ideas for something that would work. Cheap ideas like using thermal paste to atatch a few pennies to the part requiring cooling, that sort of stuff.

Could recreate a traditional heatsink model by getting a metal base and glueing (Glue can't be heat resistant so I think) pennies on it, then attach it to the thing that requires cooling and use some thermal paste
Get a zip lock bag, fill it with ice, get it insde a metal case put it under whatever you're working on. Works better with fans blowing out from the said case into the thing you're working on.

BEWARE: the distance between the ice bag and the top of the metal case shoul be about 2 to 3 cm , becaues water will condense if too close!
just find a old pc at the skip rip it apart....................
Aluminum foil with a banana.

What you do with the fruit is up to you.