Need LINUX junkie!


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Okay guys... I need serious help!

I'm trying to help a friend get a text mud game up and running, and I want to offer my bandwith, but we need to figure out how to get the game hosted!

I heard A computer generally needs linux. Where can I find information on how to take linux, properly use it to host our game on it? How can I figure out what is required?

Need linux nerds to come to my rescue!
Best way to learn is to simply use it.

If your system is very basic (wired and plugged into a router with static IP) then install and network detection should be a breeze.

Then your gonna need the game linux server binaries for your particular game. It usually comes as a tarball(like zip file). Installing that is usually a matter of creating a new folder and extracting the contents into that folder.

Distros link
linux questions .org forum
monkeh's linux hideout forum registration required

What kind of games you hoping to serve?