Need more skill … Need custom aim map


Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
I’ve been playing CS : S for about 3 weeks and though my skill isn’t what it was when I first started, I’m still a n00b :(

So I was thinking of a map/mod thing to practice on it and improve, but I suck on making maps and mods so this is basically a request.

What I have in mind is a map that automatically spawns bots without weapons that just run around the map waiting for me to shoot them :sniper: (ehehehe). It would also be nice if the hit boxes of bots are disabled and you can only kill’em with headshots.

I know that valve hasn’t release the bot AI yet, but when it does plz take into consideration to create such a map. I think it could really help new players.

That’s all and excuse my English :p
theres a mod for cs , just get that and improve your aim the aim isnt as different to source then cs
exodusuk said:
theres a mod for cs , just get that and improve your aim the aim isnt as different to source then cs

Kz ... what mod r u talking about then ?