Need new mouse pad.


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
Hi. I need a new mouse pad.

I need a large one for an optical/lazer mouse.

I bought one i really like, its a clear, thin one, ment for having papers or a calender underneath or whatever, and you can write on it, but the problem is, it quickly started curling up at the edges, which totally takes the piss, as you say in europe

any recommendations?
big lots sells some really nice black ones for like 75 cents
bryanf445 said:
big lots sells some really nice black ones for like 75 cents

Youre kidding me bro. You know why you pay 75 cents? becuse you get 75% of a mouse pad.

I bet 75 cents that it is like the smallest mousepad ever made. lol, i might have to check that out anyway. I could tape 4 of them together to make 1 large mat.


Ill hav to look up the other one
BRB .. I have to sleep first zzz... not narcoleptic just tired. lol
VirusType2 said:
Youre kidding me bro. You know why you pay 75 cents? becuse you get 75% of a mouse pad.

I bet 75 cents that it is like the smallest mousepad ever made. lol, i might have to check that out anyway. I could tape 4 of them together to make 1 large mat.


Ill hav to look up the other one
BRB .. I have to sleep first zzz... not narcoleptic just tired. lol

oh but you are wrong, its actually nice and besides the mouse pad i use now is pretty small anyways