Need polish translation help


Sep 23, 2004
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Can any of you guys help me with tranlaiting this???
Or just get me to grasp the general idear....

UWAGA! Pamiętajcie, że nawet najrzadsze nazwisko może się powtórzyć, zatem jest prawdopodobne, że osoba z listy to nie ten kogo szukasz, tylko ktoś o takim samym imieniu i nazwisku!

UWAGA! Pamiętajcie czego dotyczy ta lista. Nie są to tylko agenci, ale również kandydaci na agentów, etatowi oficerowie (blah), oraz... osoby prześladowane (o ironio).

jedno "0" przy sygnaturze akt - etatowy oficer
dwa "0" przy sygnaturze akt - TW, Tajny Współpracownik
English said:
WARNING! Remember, that even the rarest surname could itself repeat, after that it's probable, that person from the list is not who you are looking for, but someone with the same name and surname(last name)!

WARNING! Remeber what this list is about. These are not just agencies, but also Kandidacies?? for agents, etatowi??? officer (blah), also... persons searched for (o ironio).

one "0" beside signature akt - etatowy?? officer
two "0" beside signature akt - TW, Tajny(Secret?) Worker

My polish reading skills are rusty
Wildstein's list?

I was browsing through it just yesterday.
many, many names. some of them of secret collaborators with the polish communist regime's security bureau, other of people who've been under observation.

fortunatelly I didn't find nobody from my family on that list...

edit: very nice translation Kitfox :thumbs:

UWAGA! Pamiętajcie czego dotyczy ta lista. Nie są to tylko agenci, ale również kandydaci na agentów, etatowi oficerowie (blah), oraz... osoby prześladowane (o ironio).

Warning! Remember what this list is about. Those are not just agents, but also candidates for agents, full-time officers (blah - the guy apparently doesn't like those;)) and also people who were opressed (oh irony).

jedno "0" przy sygnaturze akt - etatowy oficer
dwa "0" przy sygnaturze akt - TW, Tajny Współpracownik

one 0 by the signature - full-time officer
two 0 by the signature - secret collaborator

hope this helps:)