Need Putty help quick!


Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
I'm using putty to compile and test a program. I accidently made a directory of the program, and I can't figure out how to delete the directory so I can save the program with the same name. Anyone know putty well enough to help me out?
Sedako said:
I'm using putty to compile and test a program. I accidently made a directory of the program, and I can't figure out how to delete the directory so I can save the program with the same name. Anyone know putty well enough to help me out?

Am I reading this right? You can't delete the directory?
Huh? putty? are we talking about the same thing? I'm thinking a telnet/ssh client, not a compiler, or whatever you mean...
so... i don't understand your question. please elaborate.
ive used it for ssh2.. its the connection client right?
Type ftp:(server) into your adress bar
Type in your user name and password
Then do whatever you need
If you are connecting to a unix based system, use the command

rmdir directory_name

and that'll remove it.
thank you for the link pressure. And to answer your questions, it's a unix based system that can be used on windows. I'm using it to write programs for my CIS class.