Need some definitions on these please....

Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Ghz: what does it mean for games if I have a high Ghz?
Ram: the higher the better, but in what way does it help games?
Graphics card: This improve games all round. But what precise things?cache: ?
Processor 620, 630, 640, 650....? do these improve games perfomance the higher they are?

Hope you can help.
Would be a bonus if I could find out there other jobs excluding games aswell. But I don't need to know that.
Ghz: Stands for Gigahertz and it usually reffers to your Processor speed. And as usual, the higher the better. Though its a little tricky with AMD processors, I won't get into it. It means you get faster responding applications, better multiasking, and some faster gaming (to a certain extent).

RAM: You guessed it, the higher the better. This helps in handling the textures in games and helps reduce stutter that occasionally happens if you turn a corner in a game or see a new part of the map for the first time. It basically reduces the need of accessing the hard drive every so often (which is what causes the stuttering). Also improves load times.

Graphics card: This is probably the most important part in making the game look pretty and playable. It handles all the polygons (models, maps, you name it) and also does all the fancy features like HDR, AA, AF, Bump mapping, Specular, etc...

Processor: Pretty much the same as my definition for Ghz. It affect games but not as much as the graphics card does.

I hope that answers your questions (and correctly too, though they should be for the most part). Weeeeeeeeeeee! :D
Black Mesa corp said:
Ghz: what does it mean for games if I have a high Ghz?
Ram: the higher the better, but in what way does it help games?
Graphics card: This improve games all round. But what precise things?cache: ?
Processor 620, 630, 640, 650....? do these improve games perfomance the higher they are?

Ghz refers to the speed of your processor. The faster it is the faster it can process information. Don't skimp on this as it helps everything the computer does.

Ram is the amount of memory your computer has to work with. The more the better to a certain extent. If a game uses up 300mb of RAM but you have 256 your gonna be hurting. At that point it is going to use the processor to store that information and that will eat up the processor power and really slow things down. So make sure you have enough...1-2gb will do you pretty well for modern games. Memory doesn't really increase the performance of games. If you have plenty of memory for the game then good. If you have too little or its cutting it close it will eat into the buffer and slow things down. So make sure you have plenty.

Graphics card is the biggest performance enhancer for games. Games rely heavily on visuals and hence you will need a beefy card. Cards are almost like their own little computer in that they have their own procesor and memory just for handling graphics. Make sure you get as good of a card as you can get. A Nvidia 6800gt will do wonders if you can get at least that.

Process...I think you might be refering the the amount of pins a processor has. A processor slot on a motherboard is designed for a certain type of processor. So it will be able to fit one type(where its 939, type A or whatever). Check the motherboard to see what it supports.
RAM is random access memory. Pretty much temporary storage for programs you run.

Your video card's job is to do graphics stuff so your processor doesn't have to.

Ghz is how fast your processor is, like they said.

And now lets see how many people repeat this in diffrent ways before this thread is abandoned.
One addition. Dont compare Ghz across different kinds of CPUs.
A Pentium 4 running at 3.2 Ghz is faster than a Pentium 4 at 2.8GHz. But a Pentium M running at 2Ghz is much faster than a Pentium 4 running at 2GHz (example).
They work differently.
thanks for the info
my pc has a
- pentium 4, 650 processor 3.4Ghz
- 2GB Ram
- Ati X800GT

games play well but if anything out of them I suppose the graphics card is the least in quality?