Need some help with buying new computer hardware...

The Bait

Oct 7, 2004
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Opps, mybad I was in the wrong fourm when I posted this. If someone could still answer though...cause I really wanna start playing HL2 in DX9 insted of using DX8 :E
Hi, you wont have any problems with that motherboard and that graphics card. All you wanna make sure of when buying gfx cards, is whether its AGP or if its PCI-Express. PCI-Express only exists on the newist of the newist boards.

But can i make a suggestion regrading the graphics card? If your heart is set on Nvidia you should see how much a Nvidia 6600GT costs(i got one its great). For HL2, the FX5700 card will default to DX8.1 because valve thinks that it isnt able to pull PixelShader2.0 that well.
I think the FX series is probably one that you would wanna stay clear of if your looking for DX9 performance, there are some good cards but i think in general, youd probably be better off putting the same amount of cash into an ATI.

Secondly, by the sounds of things you're trying to keep your old CPU through the upgrade, which im guessing is a P4? If this is so, ignore the rest.

Put some thought into the AMD 64 line. In the latest benchmarks i saw recently at, illustrated how AMD 64 is a superior CPU for HL2, dramatically more so if you're into overclocking. The downside is itll cost you more money, in particular if you go for a beefier CPU 3000+, then Socket 939 becomes an issue, a must if you go for a 3400+. Socket 939 while being the fastest and probably safest, from an upgrading point of view, are alot more expensive.

Also youll probably wanna check out some of the threads where people are talking about the stuttering problem. Just to see if your system doesnt match up with ones that are afflicted by the problem. Although it seems pretty fickle in terms of whose affected and whose not, it might just be a way in avoiding it, Who knows?.

Thats all i can think of right now.

I'm not sure it's the best deal, though. And usually you're better off with a bundles Motherboard/CPU package.
Just stay away from Via mobo's and you'll be fine... also, get the 6600GT!! It kicks much ass.