need some help with Framerates...again


Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score

thats the map, in its most recent form...
The problem is that in 2 or 3 areas the framerate will drop to crap.

Its great in most places, but the Restaurant and standing on the one deck will compeltely kill the framerate.

any advice, also, any ideas for the name?

Screenshots of the problem areas:



Try limiting what you can see outside of the windows, maybe use some areaportals. That might fix the second shot too. I don't know if the 3rd shot can be helped much without taking a lot of stuff out.
Limpet said:
Try limiting what you can see outside of the windows, maybe use some areaportals. That might fix the second shot too. I don't know if the 3rd shot can be helped much without taking a lot of stuff out.
I'm still new to mapping, how would i do that?
1) Get the areaportals texture (you dont have to, but it helps)
2) Make a brush inside the hole of your window.
3) Ctrl+T and make it a func_areaportal
4) Open up the properties (alt+enter) and set the initial state to "open"

When you use areaportals thing of that area your "sealing off" as a mini map, meaning you must follow the same rules as you would when you building the rest of your map.
Do a forums search for areaportals if you have a question, becuase there have been quite a few questions on areaportals.
that second pic, where you can see a lot in one go, think up something you can place in the middle to block visibility so your not viewing pretty much everything at once. A random tower or something.

For the first pic, make some curtain like objects to as above stop you seeing everything at once, also use hint brushes and occluders, and edit the fade distance for the smaller objects manually so they arent being calculated at a distance.
Most of the time its what these guys tell you but make sure you have no leaks , when you have a leak it can lag like grazy.
After compiling try to load the point file , if it loads you got a leak.
Limpet said:
you cant do vis or rad if it leaks
Yeah, i dont think theres any leaks... but thne agian, what is "A Leak"

I heard it, but really dont know what it is

this is my 4th map and i sitll dont understand the map making concept
Dead-Inside said:
He has sunlight in the pictures so a leak isn't present.


To explain a leak, think of the map as a big box holding water. If there are any holes in the walls then the water can spill out.
Yea but this is special water, only the powerfull world brushes can stop this "water"! Entities and models can't do that, they might in a new version of the matrix though.