need some help with -heapsize


May 23, 2003
Reaction score
ok im getting pretty god fps in the game but i know it can be improved as i have 1.5 gigs of system ram and when i first start CS:S in the console it says
Heap:64 mb
now i put in the heapsize command and i know i have done it properly and anything i put there is ignored. Any help or suggestions
I don't even know the command but if SOMEBODY could help. It sux having a gig of ram and not being able to use it.
try -heapsize 265000 to allocate 256Mb

or -heapsize 512000 for 512Mb


It won't improve your framerates, but it'll require less swapping to disk, and faster map changes.
=HPSF=GO-GO said:
I don't even know the command but if SOMEBODY could help. It sux having a gig of ram and not being able to use it.

lol HPSF, remember me from last night in that server on the map chateu? I was sephiroth, the guy who argued with you over being on top or bottom which one is better. Remember me? lol :bounce:
CS:S counts heapsize in bits so 256mb would be 256 * 1024 = 262144. That will give you a heapsize of exactly 256mb. So choose how much you want & multiply with 1024. It's that simple. But I suggest you use a calculator :D

The command is "-heapsize your number" without the "". Add it by right-clicking on the start button for CS:S & choose properties (in the My Games menu). I think you'll find from there. You can also add a console here by adding "-console" without the "".
sup sep. I played with ya before. Nice run last night :cheese:
:naughty: What's an ideal heapsize with 1 Gig of ram?
yeah i know how it works and i have done that, i have tried 256, 512 and 768 (all times 1024) but it just says 64 mb everytime in the console when i open up the game
Dr.Sbaitso said:
yeah i know how it works and i have done that, i have tried 256, 512 and 768 (all times 1024) but it just says 64 mb everytime in the console when i open up the game
Hmm that's pretty strange. I have no idea how ti fix that. Email the Valve support or ask about it on the Steam forums. At

To others: First of all, check how much of your current RAM your computer is actually using. Don't heap more than there's available. Other than that, I think you could use as much as you want as long as you don't heap more than your maximum :D And type it in bits!
its because you need to set in

-heapsize 256000

If you don't it will default at 64 because it is higher than 256. as the default is -heapsize 64000

after doing it this was you will see in the console that it is 250 mb heap, not 256, 6 meg is probably eaten up soemwhere, but I get the same result on all different machines.
Tenakalaz: Read my first post above. The game counts it in BITS. Not kilobytes/megabytes.
Alec_85 said:
Tenakalaz: Read my first post above. The game counts it in BITS. Not kilobytes/megabytes.

hehehe sorry, missed your post, scanning too quickly and trying to be helpful.
Alec_85 said:
Tenakalaz: Read my first post above. The game counts it in BITS. Not kilobytes/megabytes.

Then why does it say:

Heap: 64.00 Mb

Hmmmmm Mb = megabytes right?!
(sorry if i'm wrong, just want 2 be sure)
I have 768MB DDR with a 128MB DDR GeForce 4 Ti 4400 .. I want to allocate 256 or 512 to source while running it

whats command sshould i use please?
vRs said:
Then why does it say:

Heap: 64.00 Mb

Hmmmmm Mb = megabytes right?!
(sorry if i'm wrong, just want 2 be sure)
I have absolutely no idea :D Mb should be Megabit but it isn't strangely enough.
OK - dub n00b time again.
I tried typing:
into the console, but it didnt come up with anything.

What am I doing wrong?

I'd like to make use of my gig or RAM. :)
:| Weird problem, i've got 1 Gig of ram... if I set the heapsize higher than 64 MB, it'll crash... not for sure higher like 70 or so but, I know for sure if I set it @ 128 or 256 it will crash.
DuB: You can't change it in the console. You add to the CS:S shortcut in the My Games menu. Just right-click on the game & choose properties.

ailevation: I have the same problem. If I go higher than 256 (though it worked in the beginning) mb like for instance 512 mb, the game lcoks up or goes black on me. Today, half the screen turned yellow (diagonally) & then the console started blinking in pinkish. You can imagine the difficulties in finding the correct place to type *quit* so I could shut Steam off :D

Just changed it back to 256 & poof! it worked perfectly again. I hate computers sometimes.
Changing your heap size isn't going to make you play any better, it's not going to make your fps go up, and it's not going to make your game load faster. Having a fast processor will make your game go faster, having a good video card will increase your fps, and playing a lot will increase your leetness. So stop tweaking settings that REALLY don't do anything but mess up your game like make your screen "pinkish" lock your game and/or freeze your pc. Why mess with it? You have to stop using the "if a little works a lot, a lot works a lot bettter" moto.
VodkA-HLC- said:
Changing your heap size isn't going to make you play any better, it's not going to make your fps go up, and it's not going to make your game load faster. Having a fast processor will make your game go faster, having a good video card will increase your fps, and playing a lot will increase your leetness. So stop tweaking settings that REALLY don't do anything but mess up your game like make your screen "pinkish" lock your game and/or freeze your pc. Why mess with it? You have to stop using the "if a little works a lot, a lot works a lot bettter" moto.

Then what does heap do then, if it doesn't benefit us? trying to clear things out.
-heapsize 128000 for 128Mb
-heapsize 256000 for 256Mb
-heapsize 512000 for 512Mb
-heapsize 512000 for 512Mb
-heapsize 1024000 for 1GB

It doesn't do anything. It's not some magical command that all the sudden makes the game work better than it ever has before. It is called rumorz. People who don't play the game mess around with console and console commands then they trick themselfs into thinking that hey this magical command makes my game sooo much better, I am going to go post it in the forums so people will like me? It supposed to magically make your game load faster but people have more problems messing with it then just leaving it along. If your game is not optimized for your pc then you need to optimize your pc so that your game will play great.
VodkA-HLC- said:
It doesn't do anything. It's not some magical command that all the sudden makes the game work better than it ever has before. It is called rumorz. People who don't play the game mess around with console and console commands then they trick themselfs into thinking that hey this magical command makes my game sooo much better, I am going to go post it in the forums so people will like me? It supposed to magically make your game load faster but people have more problems messing with it then just leaving it along. If your game is not optimized for your pc then you need to optimize your pc so that your game will play great.

You know if the modding community had the same attitude as you then CS probably wouldnt exist.
azz0r said:
-heapsize 128000 for 128Mb
-heapsize 256000 for 256Mb
-heapsize 512000 for 512Mb
-heapsize 512000 for 512Mb
-heapsize 1024000 for 1GB


-heapsize 131072 for 128Mb
-heapsize 262144 for 256Mb
-heapsize 524288 for 512Mb
-heapsize 1048576 for 1GB
Heapsize sets the size of the memory that's allocated for caching the game data. The greater the amount you can allocate, the less the game will have to swap data to and from the disk.

Obviously, you can only allocate what you've got spare, and the law of diminishing returns applies.
azz0r said:
You know if the modding community had the same attitude as you then CS probably wouldnt exist.
Explain? So making maps has something to do with console commands inside of your game? You are mistaken. The people here are talking about heapsize, they think it is some magical command that will fix all that is wrong with thier system and/or game and I gave them the magical solution, processor, 2.good video card 3.practice.
What ever. I dont think anybody thinks there is a magical command...
What I want, is that CS recognises my RAM. And what do you think where the game gets loaded too? Sure some is loaded to disk but some is loaded to RAM.
And personally if I didnt have a constructive comment on a subject... I'd STFU.
I don't get how people tweaking their settings get's you in a fuddle. If you don't think it's gunna be usefull - fine leave it. But let the rest of us disscus. As for the other settings I've tweaked, they've really helped. Anyways, thanks Alec_85 for clearing that up for me.
VodkA-HLC- said:
Explain? So making maps has something to do with console commands inside of your game? You are mistaken. The people here are talking about heapsize, they think it is some magical command that will fix all that is wrong with thier system and/or game and I gave them the magical solution, processor, 2.good video card 3.practice.

:thumbs: Okay and how is practice in CS going to give you performance increase from your game or your PC? Very magical.

We do think increasing heapsize will fix EVERYTHING in our system? You pull magical facts from magical places don't ya?

That magical heapsize was already answered by Pi, it DOES have benefits, find his post to see if you can't magically see it from our magical crystal ball.... so magically take your magical scroller mouse and scroll a little bit above my magical post. Read Pi's post with magic, and magically go on with your day.
Alec_85 said:
CS:S counts heapsize in bits so 256mb would be 256 * 1024 = 262144. That will give you a heapsize of exactly 256mb. So choose how much you want & multiply with 1024. It's that simple.
Not quite right.
If size is in bits, 256 Mb would be 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 256 = 2147483648 bits.

If however the size is in kilo bytes you would be correct.
Thought someone might find this interesting:

On Chateau in the parts with water I used to get around 40 FPS, I just added "-heapsize 524288" and I now get an average of 90 FPS in the same part with over 100 in indoor areas (where I used to get 70-80).

Inacase it makes a difference I'll add my specs:

CPU: Athlon 64 3200+
Vid Card: Radeon 9800 Pro
RAM: 1024Mb
Mobo: ASUS K8VSE Deluxe

Edit: I know people have been saying this won't affect your FPS but I can't find a reason for my FPS increase other than that command (it's the only thing I've changed since playing last). Has anyone else had an increase in FPS after increasing their heapsize?
Yellonet said:
Not quite right.
If size is in bits, 256 Mb would be 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 256 = 2147483648 bits.

If however the size is in kilo bytes you would be correct.
;( You owned me there buddy :D

Anyway, the game does not count it in MB okay? ;)

MadLog1c said:
I know people have been saying this won't affect your FPS but I can't find a reason for my FPS increase other than that command (it's the only thing I've changed since playing last). Has anyone else had an increase in FPS after increasing their heapsize?
I've seen some performance boosts but not that much. But your processor is years ahead of mine so that might explain it. Had similar experiences with doom3 though.
my frames didn't really change but dd seem to lessen the choke i get during firefights. well it did for cbble, but then map changed to office, and choke the settings only stay 1 Map? maybe cause more textures and whanot on office...and is there a command to check heapsize while in game
AAS/ AGP Aperture Size

You all need to make sure you have Your agp Aperture size set to allow you to use more system memory with you Graphic cards memory or you will see allot or crashes when you have a 128mb card and you set CS:S to use 512MB CS:S try’s to use 384 mb of memory that it is unable to access so check you bios and a good rule of thumb is to se it twice as much as your video card:D
NDferro said:
You all need to make sure you have Your agp Aperture size set to allow you to use more system memory with you Graphic cards memory or you will see allot or crashes when you have a 128mb card and you set CS:S to use 512MB CS:S try’s to use 384 mb of memory that it is unable to access so check you bios and a good rule of thumb is to se it twice as much as your video card:D
Good tip. Too bad you're about two years late :D