Need some help with some triggers..


Mar 24, 2005
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I know how to make triggers that starts sounds but i wanna do two things for my sp map.

Can i make a trigger that makes a lamp to start flickering? like a lamp that is just apperance normal is in the room.. when you get into the room its apperance changes to flourcent flicker or what ever the name is.
Any one who can tell me how to do that?

And a ting that i think is more advanced is to make a trigger to make a npc appear and another trigger to make him dissapear..

If someone could tell me how to do this I would be über happy=)


for the lamp you could possibly have to lights one set to flicker but it is turned off then when u trigger it turn off the normal one and turn on the flicker one. as for the npc you can use an npc maker entity to make him appear.
Lights support a SetPattern input. Check the documentation.

Crackhead is right. An npc_maker can create NPCs, and a Kill input can remove them.